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I've noticed that a good chunk of our remote terminals do not update to the newest version automatically.  In most cases, I have to go in manually and click the refresh configuration once or twice in order for it to acknowledge the update.  Is there a way to do this from the command line?  I've tried wrsa.exe -poll several times but nothing happened.  The computers are reporting daily.  Is there something that needs to be configured?


Thanks for any suggestions,

If you go into the Web Console, go to "Policies" and double-click the policy that matches these machines. Please verify that under Basic Configuration the entry called "Automatically download and apply updates" is set to "On" under the column "Live".


If this is set properly, then I suggest you open up a support ticket as it's not working as intended.
Thanks for that.  I had to get my permissions bumped but once I did, I was able to verify that the setting was off for the stores.  Hopefully that fixes it.  Thanks again!
