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Yeeei: Wingate Update Webroot! Noooo: it have glitch! xD

  • 21 September 2022
  • 4 replies

Loving to use Winget (sorry, no Wingate) for all software installed upgrade, I found for my surprise that it detected Webroot installed under Webroot SecureAnywhere (Installed Webroot Endpoint Protection v9.0.32.60)
And it says (as you can see) ‘Successfully Installed’, but Webroot Console online says nothing change. Soo… I don’t know what’s going on.
Hope they fix it in the near future, since there is no easy way from WEBROOT to update antivirus, not even force to update, not even in the console.. the only antivirus at any level (personal or enterprise edition) that I know for decades that doesn’t help you to update their product in any easy way. Go figure.


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4 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +63

Hello @cristobalcat 


v9.0.33.35 is a Beta version that we Beta testers are testing at this time and v9.0.32.60 is the current release version. I will ping @coscooper and @csaunders to see what they has to say.




Userlevel 7
Badge +63



Also the link that I see in your post is for Consumers current release:


This one is for Business users:



Thanks so much guys for helping, great info.

Now, the weird thing is, Winget detect Webroot and looks like (as you commented) that is trying to upgrade Winget regardless of Consumer or Business version, that is the first mistake (probably from whoever set Webroot into Winget for upgrade, actually)

And second mistake is, if that is a beta version, it shouldn’t be uploaded either on the repository as it’s a stable version, right?

Thanks again, these notes will help the community, developer and contributors for improvement and problems troubleshooting.  = )

(Note: I posted right this under: Webroot® Business Endpoint Protection, since that is the installed version I was trying to upgrade via Winget.)

Userlevel 7
Badge +63

Hello @cristobalcat 


The Consumer has been released to v9.0.33.35 but there isn’t any release notes but I did ask for them. Consumers current release:


But you should be using this one is for Business users:  which is still and in most cases there is an MSI installer for Business. But that’s for @coscooper and or @csaunders to answer.


I will ping @TylerM  to see if he can get you some help!