Hello @Dave M I will ping @coscooper to see what he has for you.
In you above post: start-process "C:\Program Files (x86)\Webroot\WRSA.exe" -argumentlist poll would be for PC’s and not Mac’s.
Maybe it’s best to ask Business support either via the Ticket system or by calling them: https://www.webroot.com/us/en/business/support
@Dave M - there was an announcement that went out with this link. Community KB - hope that helps.
@Dave M - btw - the Mac commands for polling are:
sudo /usr/local/bin/WSDaemon -poll
Catalina & newer
sudo "/Applications/Webroot\ SecureAnywhere.app/Contents/MacOS/WSDaemon" -poll
But - i’ve noticed lately the Catalina one is a bit flaky. I’ve reported it to Dev and haven’t double checked if latest works properly or not, but that’s what we were given to send to terminal(s) to make Mac agent poll home.
@coscooper Looks like the Catalina polling command isn’t going to work for us either. Here are the results I received back, if it helps:
/opt/local/share/continuum_mac/downloads/tempscriptfile_20200826093304.applescript:0:6: script error: A “"” can’t go after this identifier. (-2740)
@Dave M - okay, after much research and getting to the right people, have discovered that the latest agent version daemon directory has changed. DOH!
Here are the correct ones and I’ve double checked them on a test mac I have. So far, so good.
sudo /Applications/Webroot\ SecureAnywhere.app/Contents/MacOS/WSDaemon.app/Contents/MacOS/WSDaemon -poll
sudo /Applications/Webroot\ SecureAnywhere.app/Contents/MacOS/WSDaemon.app/Contents/MacOS/WSDaemon -u