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Well well well. This is interesting. Having another issue due to Catalina so I called Apple. In the call I also advised them that Catalina broke Webroot. Apple says I don't need Webroot antivirus software. They say I don't need any antivirus software. They said and I quote:

"Webroot is actually something that has been incompatible and not recommend to use as well as any other antivirus for multiple software updates now."

"We do not recommend you use an antivirus on a Mac it actually inhibits the security on the machine."

I asked: "The Mac protects me without it?"

The answer: " That is correct."
I’ve used Webroot for years on three different Macs with no problems and no viruses (although it did catch and kill a number of viruses, malware, etc.). I have been very happy with the product and upgrades over the years. I upgraded to Catalina beta and my computer choked. That was a big disappointment. My VPN, PIA, has already notarized their product and improved it so that non-notarized software can still run.

I removed Webroot and things got better. But do I believe that Apple is giving me a 100% guarantee that my computer is safe? No. Attacks can happen and a malware attack can turn your machine into a zombie Tharp this attacks others.

I am waiting for Webroot to get their software updated and running smoothly again. I can’t wait forever. I don’t know if the merger with another company is affecting the ability of Webroot to update their product, but I definitely think they need to get their sh$t together quickly.
Hi @leermann

If I may jump in here and give my 2 cents...

I have had Webroot installed on my Mac for close to 5 years. Webroot has saved me a few times with some nasty PUA'S and a couple of viruses. Which saved my system big time. Apple Support told me years back that I did not need Webroot or virus protection because it is almost impossible to get a virus on a Mac. Well I beg to differ especially in this day and age where malware strikes wherever it wants and you better have some sort of security. IMO. One is never safe when you are online daily.

Regardless I have peace of mind knowing I have some sort of protection with free support, especially with Webroot. Yes I am a fan girl and have been on this forum awhile now which was a real shock to me that Webroot sold out.

Nevertheless there are bugs in the product especially with Apple updating all the time, doesn't help any Security Programs that one may have run flawlessly?

I am running El Capitan as my system is pretty old therefore I cannot upgrade to Catalina or I would have. I do feel for the folks who are having their systems crash or have compatibility issues with continuous popups. This should of, could of, didn't get fixed on time is sad. But @PVaddi has posted a fix for the "WSDaemon" popups. So it's better late then never and it means to me Support hasn't abandon the ship.

Kind Regards,

I am waiting for Webroot to get their software updated and running smoothly again. I can’t wait forever. I don’t know if the merger with another company is affecting the ability of Webroot to update their product, but I definitely think they need to get their sh$t together quickly.

Hi @leermann

I do feel for the folks who are having their systems crash or have compatibility issues with continuous popups. This should of, could of, didn't get fixed on time is sad. But @PVaddi has posted a fix for the "WSDaemon" popups. So it's better late then never and it means to me Support hasn't abandon the ship.

Kind Regards,



I figured out a workaround for the continuous popups well before @PVaddi posted a fix. I also "fixed" the "compatibility" issue and Webroot was able to scan my files. I also fixed other non-notarized programs and they have been working well. The problem is that my iMac was experiencing major slowdowns. It might have been Catalina, but I did not think so. I have reluctantly and temporarily removed Webroot SecureAnywhere until I get word that it will work with Catalina. I like Webroot and don't want to find another program. Webroot has been efficient and has worked very well on the Mac. That is all I am asking for. Nor do I believe that Support has abandoned the ship. They are probably overwhelmed with customers complaining. I haven't contacted support. I use this forum as a beta tester to note problems that I am having.
Thank you so much @ghar27 for your sincere input. Very much appreciated.

Take care and we'll see you soon when the Catalina/Webroot fiasco has ended with Webroot running smoothly the way it should be. 😊 Hopefully it's sooner then later!
Well well well. This is interesting. Having another issue due to Catalina so I called Apple. In the call I also advised them that Catalina broke Webroot. Apple says I don't need Webroot antivirus software. They say I don't need any antivirus software. They said and I quote:

"Webroot is actually something that has been incompatible and not recommend to use as well as any other antivirus for multiple software updates now."

"We do not recommend you use an antivirus on a Mac it actually inhibits the security on the machine."

I asked: "The Mac protects me without it?"

The answer: " That is correct."

Apple always said that a Mac doesn't need Third Party Security software. Here's an interesting article why Mac's get Malware:
I love Webroot. It works great, No annoying pop-ups, and so on. Fingers crossed so I can update my Mac soon.

I am waiting for Webroot to get their software updated and running smoothly again. I can’t wait forever. I don’t know if the merger with another company is affecting the ability of Webroot to update their product, but I definitely think they need to get their sh$t together quickly.

Well well well. This is interesting. Having another issue due to Catalina so I called Apple. In the call I also advised them that Catalina broke Webroot. Apple says I don't need Webroot antivirus software. They say I don't need any antivirus software. They said and I quote:

"Webroot is actually something that has been incompatible and not recommend to use as well as any other antivirus for multiple software updates now."

"We do not recommend you use an antivirus on a Mac it actually inhibits the security on the machine."

I asked: "The Mac protects me without it?"

The answer: " That is correct."


You pointed it out right! :thumbsup_tone1: Yes, Apple doesn’t let any anitivirus work.

Rich Mogull, analyst & CEO of the Securosis security firm, tells us that in order for antivirus software to work, it needs hooks into the operating system that — when available — "also create potential vulnerabilities."


I asked: "The Mac protects me without it?"

The answer: " That is correct."


You pointed it out right! :thumbsup_tone1: Yes, Apple doesn’t let any anitivirus work.

Rich Mogull, analyst & CEO of the Securosis security firm, tells us that in order for antivirus software to work, it needs hooks into the operating system that — when available — "also create potential vulnerabilities."

Rich Mogull: Are you saying that Apple is, has been, or will be blocking all anti-virus and security software (such as WebRoot for Mac) at present or in the future?  Are you saying that software, such as WebRoot, that claims to protect against attacks on Apple computers don’t really work? Are you saying that OSX Catalina and Apple-approved software will never allow an attack to occur on an Apple product becase they use the RASP and other approaches that you recommend/sell?

Because you understand these issues at a deep level, can you explain in lay-person terms, what makes Apple operating systems (such as OSX 10.15) and Apple-approved/notarized software so invulnerable to atack? If I run Microsoft Word or any other non-Apple software on my iMac and open a document that someone sent me via Apple Mail or Gmail, how can I be sure that I will be free from all types of attack?

Has Apple incorporated your technology or those that are described in Securosis’ blog into OSX and third- party programs that run on OSX? If so, how do you know that they have succesfully implemented it and are keeping up with the ever-changing security environment that is described in your company’s blog?

I am sure that many WebRoot users would like to better understand the two cryptic sentences that you wrote.

Also, and not to be snarky, why is Securosis having VPN problems? Also, I might mention that Securosis sounds like a disease. Is that intentional?

Thanking you in advance for your quick response.
