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Cleanmymac not working after installing webroot

  • 19 October 2020
  • 4 replies

Hi guys,

My friend is using Mac OS Mojave 10.14.5 and ever since I installed webroot on her mac, cleanmymac is just not working anymore.


Also, I cannot access the user interface of Webroot on her mac either.


Any help?

Because Webroot sees CleanMyMac as a malware. You need to remove CleanMyMac from the quarantine.

Hi Hungpham,

thank you for your reply, can you let me know how to do that?

You can do it from Webroot GUI. However, I just noticed that you cannot access the GUI. You should contact Webroot support first, to see why you cannot access the GUI on that computer.

Cool, thanks for your help! I will contact webroot :)