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When dragging to the trash an error pops up that displays

“The operation can’t be completed because you don’t have permission to access some of the items.”

Trying to uninstall with CleanMyMac X lists the following:

This item was cleaned partially.

"/Library/Application Support/Webroot" couldn’t be removed due to lack of permissions.
"/Library/Extensions/SecureAnywhere.kext" couldn’t be removed due to lack of permissions.
"/Library/LaunchDaemons/" couldn’t be removed due to lack of permissions.
"/Library/LaunchAgents/com.webroot.WRMacApp.plist" couldn’t be removed due to lack of permissions.
"/Applications/Webroot" couldn’t be removed due to lack of permissions.
"/Applications/Webroot" couldn’t be removed due to lack of permissions.

Hello @sbailey75 

Welcome to the Webroot Community,

Sorry to hear that you are having these issues and for any inconveniences that this has caused you.

Usually one can uninstall Webroot in Safe Mode on a Mac if they have to. But since you have already tried using a 3rd party software that makes it more challenging. 

So it's best to Submit a Support Ticket and they can uninstall Webroot with Sudo Commands for you. This is a free service. 


Hope this helps?



Happens to me as well….surly there must be a way of uninstalling without contacting support?

I’m giving up on Webroot and the total non existing compatibility with OS X Catalina, but as of now, It’s impossible due to the fact I can’t install something else, since I cannot uninstall Webroot….




I have had this same issue.  tried to uninstall in safe mode and then reinstall.  still having issues and get the error scan failed...cannot connect to the internet.  Is it something to do with Mac OS Catalina?  this was all working fine until early April with Catalina.  But must have gotten an update and now it won’t scan.  Turned in a support ticket and haven't heard anything.  Would appreciate some help.  


Hey all,

Please uninstall from a Catalina machine using this newly published set of instructions:



@khumphrey  can you help @fryfam64 to see what is happening to his Support Ticket?

@fryfam64 ,

Please try the linked above instructions to uninstall Webroot. If that doesn’t work or you still want me to check on your support ticket, please private message me the e-mail you used to send the ticket.




Thank you @khumphrey  This DID help!  Took a long while to do the first scan but so far seems like it has helped.  Thank you!!


Hello @sbailey75 

Welcome to the Webroot Community,

Sorry to hear that you are having these issues and for any inconveniences that this has caused you.

Usually one can uninstall Webroot in Safe Mode on a Mac if they have to. But since you have already tried using a 3rd party software that makes it more challenging. 

So it's best to Submit a Support Ticket and they can uninstall Webroot with Sudo Commands for you. This is a free service. 


Hope this helps?



Absolutely not true- I tried to drag webroot off my macbook pro imagine my anger when your software is telling me I do not have permission to remove it.  Imagine my further anger when I can’t use that macbook because I do not trust a company that blocks permissions on MY property. Imagine my further anger at filing a helpdesk request and getting ZERO help. I shouldn’t have to wait to get help to get this off my laptop and this janky product should not be telling me I lack permissions on MY laptop that I will not use until this malware is off it. 

@divejumpshooterUSMC ,

Can you please try uninstalling Webroot using this method:

Please let us know if that doesn’t work.


I am with divejumpshooter. I am having the same annoying problem. The solution supplied by Kennan does not work. When I try dragging files to trash, they reappear. I have opened a support ticket. The response? Crickets. People have jobs and can’t wait hours to get live tech support. Please help!

@Biff See this post:

has anyone gotten a successful update on this thread?

I have just decided to not renew on webroot and i’m trying to uninstall it. 

I have done about all of the things suggested on this thread. 

I have also just submitted a ticket. 

What I want to know:

  • what happens after the ticket submission? how long did it take for anyone to get it uninstalled? 
  • anyone else actually were able to uninstall using their updated instruction? 

has anyone gotten a successful update on this thread?

I have just decided to not renew on webroot and i’m trying to uninstall it. 

I have done about all of the things suggested on this thread. 

I have also just submitted a ticket. 

What I want to know:

  • what happens after the ticket submission? how long did it take for anyone to get it uninstalled? 
  • anyone else actually were able to uninstall using their updated instruction? 

Note: When submitting a Support Ticket, Please wait for a response from Support. Putting in another Support Ticket on this problem before Support responses will put your first Support Ticket at the end of the queue. A reply from Support should take from 24 to 48 hours but could take a little longer because of COVID 19 and the Webroot Employees are busy working from home.



has anyone gotten a successful update on this thread?

I have just decided to not renew on webroot and i’m trying to uninstall it. 

I have done about all of the things suggested on this thread. 

I have also just submitted a ticket. 

What I want to know:

  • what happens after the ticket submission? how long did it take for anyone to get it uninstalled? 
  • anyone else actually were able to uninstall using their updated instruction? 

Note: When submitting a Support Ticket, Please wait for a response from Support. Putting in another Support Ticket on this problem before Support responses will put your first Support Ticket at the end of the queue. A reply from Support should take from 24 to 48 hours but could take a little longer because of COVID 19 and the Webroot Employees are busy working from home.


Thanks! I, at least, know that much. I submit tech support tickets all the time at work. So I know not to “over-send” a ticket.  But at work, I at least know the timeline or get an acknowledgement that I do have a ticket by getting an actual ticket number. 

I’m hoping to hear something from them within 24 to 48 hours. 

I will also try to come back and post an update as a courtesy for people who will have issues like this in the future. 

Thanks for responding to my post!




@happyfood  have a look here:

If I may add here, @happyfood you posted that you are not going to renew with Webroot and you want to uninstall Webroot. It would be best if you contact Webroot Support by Phone. Here’s the link with the phone numbers to Support: Contact Webroot Support  

If you want Webroot completely off your Mac, Webroot Support needs to do Sudo Commands to get all files off your computer. They will do this by remote to your computer and it will only take a few minutes to do. The hardest part is being put on hold before someone answers which may take a long time because of COVID 19 but it is worth waiting to get all the files off. Webroot will not give out their Sudo Commands to members. Please do not try to remove the files yourself because it may cause damage, Let Webroot Support do it.



@happyfood  have a look here:

no thanks. i’ve given up on webroot. i have tried that too. but it was too much work after months of having issues. i don’t want to keep paying for something I have to work that hard for when there are so many other better options on the market. this is a very competitive industry and webroot needs to work harder to keep up. 

i also want to mention that the moment i decided not to renew my webroot (i still have the account by the way), that is when I got an email that even shows my password that i only use in webroot. how weird is that??? of all the passwords that the phishing email would threaten me with and asked for money for was that password. so that was the last straw and i dont think i could trust webroot ever again. 

If I may add here, @happyfood you posted that you are not going to renew with Webroot and you want to uninstall Webroot. It would be best if you contact Webroot Support by Phone. Here’s the link with the phone numbers to Support: Contact Webroot Support  

If you want Webroot completely off your Mac, Webroot Support needs to do Sudo Commands to get all files off your computer. They will do this by remote to your computer and it will only take a few minutes to do. The hardest part is being put on hold before someone answers which may take a long time because of COVID 19 but it is worth waiting to get all the files off. Webroot will not give out their Sudo Commands to members. Please do not try to remove the files yourself because it may cause damage, Let Webroot Support do it.



what i don’t like about that is someone who I don’t work with and not with the same organization sends me a connect123 link and have full access to my laptop. this should be a simple uninstall. i have been using webroot for years and years. the thanks i get should be a simple “break up” and not make this harder than it is. it's not my fault that they can’t deliver on their promise with what we pay for. 

Understood! Sorry about the issues you and others are having. :zipper_mouth: We Mods are only Volunteers.

Understood! Sorry about the issues you and others are having. :zipper_mouth:

Thanks for understanding.  I have just reimaged a windows 10 laptop today with just a USB drive -- even as a mac user. So I think uninstalling a software should have not taken this long. Thank you for understanding my frustration. 

Understood! Sorry about the issues you and others are having. :zipper_mouth:

Thanks for understanding.  I have just reimaged a windows 10 laptop today with just a USB drive -- even as a mac user. So I think uninstalling a software should have not taken this long. Thank you for understanding my frustration. 

I understand @happyfood 

I posted this thread 2 years ago and the uninstaller for Mac is still in the making. :frowning2:



Understood! Sorry about the issues you and others are having. :zipper_mouth:

Thanks for understanding.  I have just reimaged a windows 10 laptop today with just a USB drive -- even as a mac user. So I think uninstalling a software should have not taken this long. Thank you for understanding my frustration. 

I understand @happyfood 

I posted this thread 2 years ago and the uninstaller for Mac is still in the making. :frowning2:



wow! that is a mess to deal with. thanks for sharing. i will research more next time before just installing apps / softwares that i don’t think i will have any lasting relationships with. thanks again

Like others I am not renewing Webroot. I bought Norton 360. Upon installing the program, it detected Webroot. Software was included in the Norton program that allowed me to uninstall Webroot.

I bought Norton 360. Upon installing the program, it detected Webroot. Software was included in the Norton program that allowed me to uninstall Webroot.

Now that’s interesting, Norton Completely Uninstalls Webroot. @Biff are all the files from Webroot gone when you go to this file on your Mac?

/Library/Application Support/Webroot/

As for Norton for me there are too many unanswered questions on their Norton for Mac Forum.

I hope Norton is working good on your Mac @Biff 

This is what I have when I go to the /Library/Application Support/Webroot/ folder with Webroot uninstalled



Like others I am not renewing Webroot. I bought Norton 360. Upon installing the program, it detected Webroot. Software was included in the Norton program that allowed me to uninstall Webroot.

I looked into norton.. but ultimately decided to get kaspersky with their multiple devices package. i haven’t checked if kaspersky can remove webroot. we shall see. i haven’t received anything from the “ticket” (or IT support) department to assist me in removing the program. I honestly feel like this is not a secured way to uninstall. I feel that this is very invasive. Is there a place we can all complain about this? this should not be the case EACH TIME you cut ties with them. 
