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Every time I turn on Mac 14.6.1, I receive 1-5 virus warnings. It is always from files in the /LaunchAgents folder. There are about
My other AVs, MalwareBytes, BitDefender do not find any viruses. I have seen 15 different files inside of that folder be flagged by Webroot. I don't want to turn on my Mac everyday and receive 1-5 warnings.



Hello @DragonsSuck 


It’s best to contact Webroot Support Directly to get the proper answers.


Webroot Support:

Submit a ticket 24/7/365 it’s the best way!

Call 1-866-612-4227  during the week Mon - Fri 7 AM to 5:30 PM (MST)


Also phone numbers from around the world:


Note: When submitting a Support Ticket, Please wait for a response from Support. Putting in another Support Ticket on this problem before Support responses will put your first Support Ticket at the end of the queue.



Who on this forum has the experience to solve this issue? Thank you.

The forum it for basic support and direction but full support directly to Webroot Support:


We Mods are Volunteers and we don’t get that much info these days because OpenText is a publicly traded company.



Can someone else here please answer my question, thank you.

Can someone else here please answer my question, thank you.

Get in contact with Webroot Support as @TripleHelix said. Sending in a Support ticket automatically sends a Webroot log. Support will look it over and get in contact with you to solve the problem. Us Moderators cannot see the backside of your account, only Support can see it.

Hello, Welcome,  please have a look here

Can someone else here please answer my question, thank you.

Get in contact with Webroot Support as @TripleHelix said. Sending in a Support ticket automatically sends a Webroot log. Support will look it over and get in contact with you to solve the problem. Us Moderators cannot see the backside of your account, only Support can see it.

Absolutely this ^


If you are unable to resolve this issue yourself, we’re more than happy to help you over the phone or through a ticket. Agents can also remote onto your machine if required. However, in order to access these features you will need to contact support. 

“Sending in a Support ticket automatically sends a Webroot log”

That is true if the ticket is created using the app, however, a ticket created using a browser does not include that info. Your answer was incomplete and presumptious.

Call Webroot Support by landline. Explain to the Webroot Support Employee what problems you are having and mention this thread you started so they can see the screen shots you have taken. If you would have contacted Webroot Support when @TripleHelix replied to your question your problem would have been already solved.


Business Support:
