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I purchased five licenses and have used only three. I recently purchased a new MacBook Pro and migrated everything from my 2015 MacBook Pro (now intended to serve as a spare) to the new one with the help of an Apple specialist. Turns out that Webroot does not want to work on the new machine and, instead of asking me for a code or new license, or simply standing down, it generates a never-ending dialog box loop that renders my new MacBook Pro useless. I asked Webroot for help last Friday, because I would have liked to use my new machine this weekend, but there is no way to connect with a human over the telephone, and no live chat seems to be offered. So far I have gotten no response. I tried to log-in to this community tonight using the name and password I saved on 1Password when I first purchased Webroot, and was told I entered an invalid user name or password. So I created a new account for this purpose. Question: how do I get Webroot either to work on my new Mac or go away? If what I need is a more Mac-friendly application, how can I get Webroot uninstalled? Any help with this will be immensely appreciated.
Hello Richard P, Welcome to the Webroot Community Forum. 🙂

Sorry you're having problems with the Webroot software on your Mac computer. Please contact Webroot support and they will be able to make the software work or take it off your computer, which ever you prefer. Also Webroot Community is on this new forum now that is only a few days old and everyone had to reset their password to log in to it.

Please submit a Support Ticket or Contact Webroot Support to sort this problem. This service is FREE with a Paid Subscription.

Support Ticket System is Open 24/7

Note: When submitting a Support Ticket, Please wait for a response from Support. Putting in another Support Ticket on this problem before Support responses will put your first Support Ticket at the end of the queue.


