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I just want to connect my iphone to home sharing and stupid webroot won't allow it because it likes to be uber complicated. I've downloaded the app and it will not let me log in siting 'login failure'. I'm able to login into the website from my computer but that same name and password will not work. Anyone???
Hello ltm6032 and Welcome to the Webroot Community Forums.


As it's the weekend can you please Submit a Support Ticket and the support inbox will be happy to help you.



Is it the SecureSync app that is not allowing you to enter your email and password successfully?


Please try a fresh uninstall and reinstall of the app and see if it will allow you to log in. Also, make sure that you have activated the Backup & Sync functionality in your MyWebroot Account.
Uninstalled and reinstalled same problem. I have no idea how to activate what you're talking about. I looked all over the page and couldn't find it.
What do you see when you click on the Backup button in the image below?


If your Backup & Sync tab is working on the website and you are using the same gmail address that you registered here on the community with and still cannot successfully log in on your device, you can Open a Support Ticket and have a technician troubleshoot further or we can start fresh and I can give you a new account and email address.
My phone isn't even showing up on the list of devices. I therefore can not back up or sync it. I don't know why it refuses to add.
The iOS device will not show up in the console, I was just checking to make sure that the Backup & Sync area was set up.


Did you open a support ticket, or would you like to start with a fresh account/keycode?
Hey ltm6032 - just checking to see if you have been taken care of by support or if you have any further questions.


Edit 2/22/13: We haven't heard back in quite a while, so we will assume this issue is resolved.  If not, please let us know.
