Failure to Log in on my iPad

  • 20 June 2015
  • 5 replies

I have been trying to log in to my iPad and I'm still getting Log in failure. I see that I was not only the one having this problem. 
My email address is <email address snipped for reason of privacy> Baldrick
I hope this help.

5 replies

Userlevel 7
Hi junpogi
If you are having issues then please see the previous threads here, here & here.
And if something in those does not help then please come back and we will see what more we can do/suggest.
Regards, Baldrick
I read all the thread before I posted my message. 
Userlevel 7
OK, apologies for the unnecessary information.
But may I ask what was the point of your post?
If it was to let people know that you have had the issue then fine...but in terms of helping others it is better that when you see a fellow Community post that they have this issue, you then respond to their post and advise as to how you resolved the issue.
Regards, Baldrick
The point of my post is that I "cannot log in on my iPad".  I don't understand what is the problem and why it is so hard to log in on an iPad. That's why I need help. 
Userlevel 7
Apologies again, I mistook what you had was not clear to me the point that you were trying to make.
The 3rd of the previous posts that I pointed out in my original response, and which you have apparently seen, provided infromation as to how to resolve that sort of issue. And there are numerous other examples of similar issues that have been resolved here.
However, if that has not worked from you then I would recommend that you Open a Support Ticket, so that the Support Team can take a look at the issue for you and hopefully resolve it.  This is a free service to all users with a current/active WSA subscription.
Regards, Baldrick
