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Why does Webroot have a SecureAnywhere Complete App for IOS? There are only 2 apps available which are SecureWeb and SecureSync. My brother who has an android phone has both of those plus a SecureAnywhere Complete app where he is able to block numbers, messages, scan his phone for threats. I can't do that or havent found out how on my iphone. SecureWeb and SecureSync are just simple apps where I can sync photos, music, and safe browsing. Thats it. I want the SecureAnywhere Complete app like android. Is this possible?


The reason there are only 2 apps currently available for IOS is because Apple and Android simply need different levels of security at this time. Because of the the sheer openness of the Android OS compared to the iOS, Android is naturally more susceptible to attacks and viruses. For now, secure web and sync will provide the necessary protection for your iOS devices. Secure Web will protect your iOS device from phishing and malware and securesync works in conjunction to your portal letting you sync your files and folders safely. 

 Here is a link to some information and videos you might find helpful:





That sounds about right. Guess that's true. But when I was looking at my brother's Android phone with his app, he has the ability to block numbers or calls and messages. He is able to do some things that would seem nice to have on IOS. Is there a way for IOS to get those abilities or features?
Hello sjcastro05,


Thank you for your feedback!  Our product development team reviews all feature requests.  The features that you mentioned, (blocking calls, etc), have been requested previously. 


I don't have an ideas as to when or if these features will be available for iOS, but we definitely value any and all feedback.


Please let us know if you have any further questions/concerns/feedback.



David S.

Webroot Support
Unless the device is jail broken, this will be very hard, unless iOS offers a way in for developers to do this otherwise.


Apps that "offer" this type of service, if you read the reviews, you will see that they are not positive.


You can assign a number that you know to a silent ringtone. Another way is to ask your carrier to block it, although this will cost, it is the only way really you can block a number on iOS. (as far as I know).


Also, you could use Google Voice. It has the options to block.

