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How do I delete webroot from my phone?

  • 19 December 2013
  • 7 replies

this webroot app makes my phone run slow and won't allow me to play the one game I have downloaded.. So I want this app to be deleted from my phone please..

7 replies

Userlevel 7
Hi Crystina and welcome to the community! :D

May I ask what kind of problem are you having uninstalling it? Is it not allowing you to, or are you not sure where to go to remove it from your phone? If it is not allowing you to uninstall, please try https:///t5/Webroot-SecureAnywhere-for/Device-Administrator-amp-Uninstalling-Webroot-for-Android/ta-p/18412 and see if it helps. If it is a different problem, please let us know :D

Userlevel 2
Delete it like any other app.
Userlevel 7

While that may be helpful if she does not know how to remove an app regularly, we don't know for sure that that is what the problem is. Webroot on Android has been known to sometimes refuse to let it self be removed (most likely because you have to remove it's device administrator privileges). That is why I asked her what kind of problem she was having removing it; so that we could give her the correct help for the problem she was having.

Userlevel 7
I believe that the KB Article mentioned above is there for a reason: the removal is sometimes challenging as Shran suggests 🙂
Userlevel 2
Well its a proven fact that over 50% of smart phone users do not know even how to use it. My cousin doesn't even know how to download apps on her iPhone. She was visiting FB via Safari. Hence the article I linked. But most likely she figured it out on her own since there has not been any further repsonse. 
Userlevel 7
While some (maybe even most) users may not know how to remove an app regularly, we can't assume that that is why she was asking for help, thus the reason I asked if she didn't know how to remove an app, or if Webroot itself was not allowing the removal.

Userlevel 7
Badge +4
Guys, I think we provided more than enough information to help this user. Thank you all for the input. I do appreciate both the thorough and short n' sweet responses.
Calling this thread officially closed.
