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Hi all, 


I am having trouble with Webroot on my Android Tablet.


I have three "click to fix" issues with: Install Shield is off, File System Shield is off, and Execution Shield is off. When I "click to fix " , nothing happens. I believe this is due to my changing/refreshing my activation code once I installed Webroot on my Android Tablet.


When this happens, (or not happens), I click on the help button where I login to my Webroot account and receive a message along the lines of "access denied- you do not have sufficient credentials/permissions to perform this action" or whatnot. I am thinking that this is also related to the changing or refreshing the activation code. 


Thoughts? Thanks in advance! 


Hello @,


Welcome to the Webroot Community,


Please have a look at this KB article about and see if this will help you fix these issues. If you continue to have this protection disabled. I'd advise a uninstall and reinstall of Webroot on your tablet.


Here is instructions to uninstall Webroot from an Android device.


Edit: Make sure you are installing the right Webroot version for your Android Tablet:


Then reinstall and here is the instructions if you need them.


If you are still having issues then please submit a Support Ticket and they can resolve this for you free of charge.



KInd Regards,


