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My product code key will not take on my android device

  • 21 December 2015
  • 3 replies

I was typing in my product key for my mobile and it said error "cannot except product key". I just renewed the subscrition this month.

3 replies

Userlevel 7
Hi wkeithc
Welcome to the Community Forums.
This can be caused by quite a few different things, but I think in your case it is mostly likely to be the account setup and user permisions.
Please see this previous post from one our gurus ? on this very subject. Something in there should assist yo in resolving the issue. And if it does not then please Open a Support Ticket so that the Support Team can take a look at it for you.
Regards, Baldrick
Trying to get redwood SecureAnywhere on my mobile I have it on my desktop just trying to get it on my android I've downloaded an app that when it says put the product code in product key I do and it says this and era
Userlevel 7
Hi wkeithc
OK, well try taking a look at this KB Article that deals with login issues. 
Regards, Baldrick
