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Even though I have the persistent status option off, SecureAnywhere still gives me a persistent status notification. My device is a Samsung Galaxy Note II (SPH-L900) through Sprint. I have Android 4.1.2 Jelly Bean.
Hi Craigery, welcome back!


That question was raised over in this other topic as well and was answered by Roloc, one of our mobile developers.  Please check out that topic for the answer to your question.  🙂
One problem: I can't clear them.
Does the notification in question concern Device Admin?  There are some wrinkles we're attempting to iron out concerning how we treat multiple users on devices that support them.  That topic is touched on in this related topic.  It would be useful to know if that's the specific issue you're running into.  If it's not Device Admin, is it any particular thing?
No, it's just the persistent notification that's the issue. When I turn off the persistent notification, it reappears within about 1 hour, but the checkbox for it is still unchecked.
Following on to what Roloc mentioned, that would indicate that the OS found it necessary to kill the Webroot service, which then restarted - the result of which is that the notification reappeared. So, as he mentioned, you can clear the notification, but there are certain events, such as a forced shutdown of the process by the OS, that will require the notification to show up again.
