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My phone was stolen last night and I'm trying to figure out how to use the locate phone feature or at the very least, lock the device. When I log onto Webroot on a PC, I can't find anywhere where my phone is recognized as a device. How can I access my phone through my PC? I have been following this information: but it does me no good when I can't find the device. Please help. At the very least I would like to find comfort in locking my device ASAP.
Hi Leslie,

I was able to cross-reference your device list by using the email address you used to sign up to Community, and I don't see a mobile device in your console on the back end either.  Is that the same email address you were using in Webroot on your mobile device?  If so, had you ever checked in your account to see if your phone was listed there before?


Just so we can be sure we're looking at the same account, please also private message me your email address and the keycode that were in use on the device.


*Due to needing to communicate keycodes to each other, this was handled via private message, but Leslie should be all set now.
