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Due to some crashing issue, I have done a factory reset on my P6200 tablet and reinstall all my applications. However, when I reinstalled Webroot Mobile Security, it prompted an error "Raw Error (URFM9988) Console creation has been exceeded".


I unable to login to my account on my tablet console., I am stucked now.


Please kindly assist the soonest.


Many thanks.


I'm looking at your account on our back end, and the data we are seeing indicates you have attempted to install the Android version of SecureAnywhere on at least 46 different devices since February.  Can you please explain the process you are going through to reinstall the app?  If all of these reinstallations are going onto the same device, it would follow that you must be doing something to change the device ID each time.  Otherwise, it would appear you have attempted to install on at least 46 separate devices.


It's not entirely clear to me yet why our system would indicate there are so many different devices, but I'm sure we will get to the bottom of this.  Are you doing factory resets very frequently or reimaging the device?  Is this a rooted device?  Please provide as much detail as you can about the process you are following to do a reset and the frequency with which you are performing them.  Is this the only device you are trying to install on, or are there actually quite a number of different devices?


It would be useful to know the exact steps of the process you are going through to receive this error. Are you trying to create a new online account at when this occurs?  You don't need to make a new console every time you reinstall on your mobile device.


Please also private message me which email address you are attempting to use when you receive this error.  You can private message me by clicking my name and then clicking "send this user a message" on the right side of the page that appears.


This issue might take a bit of research, but any additional information you can provide regarding the process you're going through to end up with this message would be useful.


Edit for followup information: This was ultimately resolved by support removing the excessive consoles.  It would appear those were created due to excessive factory resets on the device and by refollowing the installation instructions in a literal sense and recreating a new console each time.  Ultimately this ended up creating a number of consoles so excessive our system finally told him he couldn't make anymore.  If anyone else sees this issue, please let us know in this thread, and we can remove your extra consoles as well.


Is there any ways to download the standalone app of the Webroot Mobile Security Premier Edition, without the need to go thru Google Play Store to reinstall the Free Edition, then register the Premier Edition product keys codes, as this will cause the additional of console in the webroot account. As my Premier Edition key codes are purchased directly from the Free Edition, not purchased from Google Play Store.


I understand what you are doing, but I'm not sure why you're doing it.  Can you please explain what you're trying to do?  You should not need to continuously keep uninstalling and reinstalling the app.  It seems like you do that every few days.  This isn't a foreseen behavior since it shouldn't need to be done to the extent you're doing it.  Most people might uninstall and reinstall a few times here and there, but the extent to which you are doing it is unprecedented.


The answer to your question is that no, there is not any other way of installing the paid app other than entering the paid keycode into the free version unless you are purchasing the paid version from Google Play.
Dear Jim,


Please kindly assist to remove all the Consoles named under either "Recovery", "ToBeRemoved" and "Unnamed Console" from your end the soonest possible, as I need to re-install Webroot back onto my P6800 and get back to work.


Please kindly help asap.


Many thanks.

Best Regards,

Moses Fan

Hey ferraritm,


I will remove these devices from the system as soon as I gain access which will be after maintenance is completed.  In the meantime, you should be able to install on your latest computer/device until we get these removed. :D


If not, please be patient and I will let you know when I have taken care of it on the back end
Hello Mike,


Mine is an Android tablet device Samsung Galaxy Tab 7.7 P6800, running ICS version 4.0.4.


It is not a pc.


Please kindly advise when would your maintenance be done, around how many hours more starting from now, is 12.05am over my country here?


Many thanks.
Unfortunetly there is not a specific time we were given. I will let you know when it is back up and when I have removed the specified devices.


Thank you for your patience.


May I check is the maintenance complated on your end?


I am still encountering the abovementioned errors, please kindly assist the soonest possible, as I will be flying off to Paris in 3 hours time. Can you call me at [removed by Community Manager for protection] now?


Many thanks,

Moses Fan

Hi Moses,


Sorry for the delay! We'll have someone call you shortly.
@CatB wrote:

Hi Moses,


Sorry for the delay! We'll have someone call you shortly.

Wow! Now that's what I call Excellent Support. 😉
Hey ferraritm,


I tried calling the number you provided and it could not be completed. I also tried calling out of country with a few country codes with no luck. Please give me the correct phone number and country code Through a Private Message so your phone number is not open to the public.


I would like to stress that you can still install SecureAnywhere on your device and that it is not necessary to remove the other devices before installing. You could install on your device and I could remove the requested names/devices when our sytem is back online (You wouldn't be needed in that process so you could travel worry free).
Hello ferraritm.


I wanted to provide you with an update and apologize for the wait.


At this time we are still transitioning accounts from an older system to our new one but we have increased the limitation on the number of consoles you can have. Once our transition is complete, we will be able to remove the consoles as requested, but at this time we do not have the functionality. In your particular case, it would be best to refrain from creating additional consoles while we are in this transition since you have activated so many already.


Please let me know if you are able to log in on your new device.

ferraritm, please let me know if you would like to start with a new keycode and account.


We haven't seen this error because the average user has not done so many device resets and has not created as many new consoles. I think at this point the best way to proceed will be to create you a new account and keycode under a new email address. If we do this, you will want to keep your console creations to a normal level. We do not anticipate and code for situations where this many consoles are created.


I think this is your best option and if you would like to proceed, please Send me a Private Message with the email address you would like to use for your new keycode and MyWebroot Account.


Please send a private message containing an email address that you have not previously used.
Hello,I need your help to remove all the 20 named "Duplicatedxx" consoles for me over your end. For the pass few months, I have been encountered problems with my Samsung tablets, as so I have changed to Galaxy Note II LTE N7015 and then now using Galaxy Note 10.1 LTE N8020, as Samsung could not repair my previous P6800 and N7105, so they did an one to one exchange for me. I am still monitoring the current N8020, as Samsung claimed that most of their new devices have a bug of conflicts with certain Mobile Antivirus applications due to (VERY URGENT) the Samsung Dive application. They have released their latest firmware for N8020 to version 4.1.2 and claimed that that bug has been fixed and also improved stability.However, they have wiped my N8020 during the upgrading of thr 4.1.2 firmware, and now I am encountering the abovementioned same errors again, unable to register and login to my webroot account on my device, the issue is similar as previous, need your system end to remove all the unwanted consoles in my account for me.Please kindly assist as soon as possible as I will be traveling to Australia for business trip tomorrow night, and hope to get it resolved and also need to reinstalled my other useful applications and get ready before I am leaving to Australia.Millions of thanks.Best Regards,Moses Fan
I'm taking a look at it for you right now Moses. I'll reply back when the work is complete or if I have any other news.
The issue has been resolved. 🙂
Hello Jim M,


I am also experiencing difficulty using the webroot product due to the 'exceeded console

 message. I like the other, like to reset my phone, for a variety of reasons. Can you wipe my console list so I can use your product on my phone once again?


Thanks for the help,


Hello  arichter35,


Welcome to the Community Forum,


Please submit a Support Ticket and they will take care of this for you.






Kind Regards,







Hello arichter35,


You are quite welcome.



Support might take a day longer then usual since it's the weekend but they will get a hold of you in your e-mail so be sure to check your junk mail encase the support email lands in there. Ok?



Have a great day!
