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Why doesn't my renewed subscription cover my phone?

  • 1 January 2015
  • 4 replies

Why doesn't my renewed subscription cover my phone?  I renewed my subscription to Webroot's services online but when I try to update the copy on my smart phone it's requiring me to purchase it again.

4 replies

Userlevel 7
Hi Shafmaster
Welcome to the Comunity Forums.
A little more information about you set up would be of great assistance in terms of determninig what is wrong/how to correct it.  So would you please provide details of the version of SAW that you have renewed and the operating system of you phone?
Many thanks in anticpation.
Regards, Baldrick
Certainly, thank you for the response and my apologies for the rather rude tone of my previous post.  It was banged out in a moment of frustration.
I have version of Webroot's SecureAnywhere complete installed on my computer, and version on my phone.  My phone is a Android, version 4.1.2, model is a Droid Boinic.  The version of WSA on my computer says I have 378 days now until it's expiration but the version on my phone says I have only 13 days.  Under the "My Account" section of the webpage it lists both my computer and my phone as being registered, so I'm confused as to why  they have different expiration dates now after I purchased another years worth of service.  When I've attempted to renew the version on my phone it keeps trying to make me purchase another subscription, even though I've already done so on my computer.
Userlevel 7
Hi Shafmaster
No worries...I completely understand the frustration...;)
The only time I have come across this before is where the user concerned was like you using the Complete version on their PC BUT actually had the Free version of the movile app installed on their mobile device. And I am wondering if that may be the case here (selecting which mobile app to use can be a confusing affair as there are a number depending on which version of the PC app one is licensed to.  To see what I mean and for information please see this KB Article which describes the various options).
If this is inded the case then to resolve this issue, please uninstall the free app Security & Antivirus and install the SecureAnywhere Complete app from the Google Play Store. 
You can then enter your credentals that you use on your MyWebroot account along with your Complete keycode that you obviously have to hand having just renewed.
This is a longshot but worth a try in the circumstances. Please post back to let us know if this helps, and if not then we can look at other options.
Regards, Baldrick
I double checked the version on my phone and it's the Complete version.  However within the last hour it has gome from displaying 13 days until my subscription ends to now matching the 370-someodd days left on my PC.  So, yeah, it apparently resolved itself.  I probably should've just waited to see if it'd update in the firstplace.  Working customer service plus the holidays equals a melted brain.  Thanks again for the help, I really do appreciate it.
