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Started this morning - Webroot picked up and identified the Trojan "Android.SMSsend" in wssyncmlnps com.wssnps....I tried to unistall and it can not be unistalled nor can I identify which sub routine is running this service.  Is this a real threat or not? and if not why did Webroot just start picking this up ?   -Orion
Hi Orion, please see:


Thank you for contacting Webroot Support. We apologize for any inconvenience this issue may have caused.

It does appear the detection in question was a false positive. We have re-evaluated the definition detecting the application you report and corrected the false positive on our end. Within the next 24-48 hours we will release a new definition set with those corrections and you should no longer see that detection. In the meantime, you may choose the option to "Ignore this threat" and this will prevent Webroot from displaying the alert again for that particular app. We appreciate your report and thorough troubleshooting!



The Webroot Mobile Threat Research Team

Any question, just ask...


I have the same message on my Samsung S4. It will not remove it.
Hj, you may choose the option "Ignore this Threat"'s a False Positive.

Thanks for the quick response ! looking forward to the new definitions being pushed out.  -Orion
Hello Dermot7, Great job posting the help messages for the Samsung FP.





@ wrote:

Thanks for the quick response ! looking forward to the new definitions being pushed out.  -Orion

No worries, take care, and please feel welcome to come back and ask anytime you have any question, or just want to join in the Community :D

Thanks for letting me breathe again. I was having the same issue with Samsung Galaxy Tab3
Hi MeMutley


Welcome to the Community Forums...


Glad that the Community has been of assistance...that is what it is here for.  There have been a spate of similar thread on this today...and thankfully the news is getting around about the causes of the issue.


Hang in there and the Development & Support Teams should have the issue resolved shortly.






Hello MeMutley and Welcome. Yes, you have nothing to worry about, and thanks for letting us know.


Be sure to ask, if you have any questions.


is this risk warrning a problem in the webroot app or is it coming from my tablet?
Hi Cube420


Welcome to the Community Forums...


Not sure exactly what you mean by that but in the case of the issues reported by the OP the problem (Trojan "Android.SMSsend" in wssyncmlnps com.wssnps) is due to a false positive, which the Support & Development Teams are working on.  SO in this case it would be a problem with WSA.


However, if your issue is not the same as that mentioned above then exercise caution and if you have any doubt at all play safe...Open a Support Ticket  so that the Support Team can check out the specifics in your case.






The issues is with Android.SMSsend. Thank you for your help, I have selected Ignore This Threat, until the false positive is corrected. Thank you for your quick response.
My Samsung is only used for music, pictures and occational surfing while on networks or public sites.  It was not on today,  but it is now.  I do not know if it is a threat!  Please verify
Welcome suziemac,

Thank you for contacting Webroot Support. We apologize for any inconvenience this issue may have caused.

It does appear the detection in question was a false positive. We have re-evaluated the definition detecting the application you report and corrected the false positive on our end. Within the next 24-48 hours we will release a new definition set with those corrections and you should no longer see that detection. In the meantime, you may choose the option to "Ignore this threat" and this will prevent Webroot from displaying the alert again for that particular app. We appreciate your report and thorough troubleshooting!
Thats great, but would somebody please identify what that wssync thing is?
Thank you so much for this forum post. I thought it was strange that Webroot could not remove this threat. You've never failed me in the past.
@ wrote:

Thats great, but would somebody please identify what that wssync thing is?
I Googled it.. from what I can tell it is a file built into the OS of the Samsung phones evidently and might be used for backing up, sync, and one reference noted the Samsung Updater service.

There is another current thread relating to this current issue.


This appears to have been identified as a False Positive, so a fix should be in the works to correct the problem.
Welcome to the Webroot Forum ? hayteroxx:) Webroot hasn't let you down and appreciate you being here posting. It'll be straightened out soon.

Thank you,

Hi DavidP1970, great to have you online to help out here..;)
Thanks DavidP. But it makes me wonder why Webroot isnt addressing the question. Saying it'll be fixed in a couple days doesn't give me much comfort
Please see This Reply.  


As noted, this has been identified it as a False Postive, it is being fixed.  Please note that FP's DO  take a couple days to fix as it takes that long for the information do be filtered down to all updater servers.  


That is normal for ALL AV vendors.
@ wrote:

Hi DavidP1970, great to have you online to help out here..;)
Hi  @  It is always a pleasure to see you!  I am sorry I got here a bit late!
Yes Thank you for much needed back up support..

Glad your here...:) never too late we'll
@ wrote:

Yes Thank you for much needed back up support..

Glad your here...:) never too late we'll
I will do what I can, but I am struggling a bit tonight: my reading glasses had the lenses replaced today.  I now have TRIFOCALS, and it is taking a bit to get used to.  :)
