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I purchased this 3 device webroot and added it to my computer and now am trying to add it to my tablet but it says the keycode is invalid. What am I doing wrong :(


Hi ells97


Welcome to the Community Forums.


First question is what sort of tablet do you have?  If one that runs Android then please refer to this KB Article to make sure that you are trying to install the correct version, as which version of Webroot to download to your Android device, depends on which kind of subscription you have.  Once we know that we can provide further advice as to installation.


If you have an iOS-running tablet then you have just one option and should review this KB article for guidance on installation, etc.


If you are running a Windows tablet then you should be able to use the same installer as you have used for your desktop/laptop as long as it runs a full version of WIndows, i.e., Windfows 8/8.1 rather than the RT version that some early WIndows tablets had installed on them, notbaly the Surface 2.


I hope that helps?  Please do come back here if yo uhave any further questions or require further assistance.


Regards, Baldrick
