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How can I stop seeing a row of advertised products across the top of my screen? 
Hello SWP,


Welcome to the Community Forum,


There could be a couple of reasons as to why this is occurring; so let's start with the easy may just need to add a popup blocker (for Chrome, Firefox, IE, etc.).


Go to the addon/extension manager for the browser (will differ how depending on the browser concerned) and then search the online store for such an addon.  I can recommend the following as a starting point:


For Firefox µBlock:


For Firefox Adblock Edge:


For Chrome µBlock :


For Internet Explorer Del Ad 15 day trial:


So I would suggest to use one of the other Browsers as the Ad Blockers are free.


In the case of IE you need to find the installer for the extension, download it and then run the installer so that the addon is installed in the browser.  Again, in the case of IE the most popular ad blocker seems to be AdBlock Plus.


Try the above and see if that helps.  If it does not or if you are getting recurring very specific popups which are usually advertising the same thing then you may have picked up a PUA or Potentially Unwanted Application, and that can be harder to resolve.


Please get back to us if the above advice resolves your issue, or not.


Hope that helps?


Kind Regards,
