
Anyone using WSA with another AV?

  • 18 October 2013
  • 27 replies

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27 replies

Userlevel 7
Have you added all SD components, as Allow, under the Block/Allow Files option in PC Security Advanced options?  Reason I ask is that under the Control Active Proceses option you only see processes that are active and itis possible that when SD does its stuff some of its processes are only active when you are not able to access WSA options, and so cannot change the WSA set action.  I have found that with recovery/rollback what I do is I manually add (and set as Allow) the components of the app under the Block/Allow Files option.
Am not saying that this will solve the issue but it may be worth looking into?
Userlevel 4
I was thinking the same thing so I added all executables from the Shadow Defender Program File folder to the allow list. I think there is another component that runs from the system folder. I need to run ask Tony the developer if there are any other components from another area of the system i'm not aware that may need to be added. btw... I started a separate thread for this issue.  
I also uninstalled NOD 32 V7 for now to trouble shoot my browser issue to see if it continues to lock/crash, and not lunch when I click on it the first time. I end up having multiple instances of Firefox running because the browser fails to open whne I first click on it. When I try to use certain elemnets like browse buttons, attachments, etc.. the browser locks up. I will run WSA by itself to see if the problem continues to occur. I don't need them both. I was just wanting to see if they would still work well together like they did during the Prevx days. It may not even be the problem though because I have experienced all these problems when just using WSA by itself in the past. It was always caused by the Identity protection feature. I would have to lower its security settings. I don't see an option for adjusting it like you use to be able to.
