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 I have been mislead. Followed the Hype  on the Web and bought Webroot in the past3 weeks had more  obviuos Virus emails than  James Mellon RE:.  Billy Bloggs RE:  Sarah Nobody RE: 5 a day Captain Bloody Cook RE: Normal Names with RE:

 even i could design somethig to trap this rubbish


 Run Scan, Surprise, Surprise everything  PERFECT- what Bull Dust . How about you stand by  your  product and contact me and you can sEE the trouble you are causing  me . A FREE viris checker could pick this up. I paid $$$, so Wake to yourselves, contact me or i am going to Rubbish your product every chance i get


 We have a saying in OZ- NGE!!! Not Good Enough
Hello ? 


Welcome to the Webroot Community.


SecureAnywhere does not work like a traditional antivirus, and you are nevertheless fully secure.


Please read these references, and get back with any questions, thanks.


 I wondered, if you could make an email protection ... - Webroot Community
Hi unhappyaussie


Sorry to hear that you are not happy.


As Dermot said WSA is different from other security applications and one of the key difference is that it does not deal with spam (the usual vector for email borne viruses), i.e., it does not scan for or stop the spam but should the attachement attempt to drop a payload on your system or if one clicks on the attachement, for whatever reason, and it tries to infect your system then WSA should step in and stop the malware in its tracks.


If yo uare not seeing this or are having trouble with mlaware then you should Open a Support Ticket to draw the Support Team's attention to this state of affairs...they should then be able to assist you and get rid of any such infection.


Hope that helps?


Regards, Baldrick
