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I just uninstalled straktrust pc cleaner can someome give me a good one .
There are a bunch out there.....................but first, Which OS are you using, and what is your PC/Laptop experience? PCCleaners can be a bit frightening and dangerous if you don't understand exactly what you are cleaning, so make sure you have a fresh restore point or complete backup of your system.

The only PC Cleaner I would trust is CCleaner. They have a couple paid versions and a perfectly adequate FREE version.
I second the use of CCleaner. It is an excellent program. I use it myself. 
Hi desmondb5,


I agree that ccleaner is a very good cleaner and I use ccleaner free.  


I have also had very good luck using slimcleaner free from slimwareutilities.  


As was mentioned, just be careful and it is always a best practice to make use of restore points when making system changes.


Have a great day,

I should have mentioned that you can also use Webroot/Utilities/OptimizeNow to clean your PC from temp files etc.
