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I just bought my first laptop and downloaded webroot.(I am not technilogically savey) I saved my first document to skydive and now it wont let me copy it to my flashdrive!!! This is a must for me due to school. I have never had this problem before from any computer!! I am getting a message that states the properties of document cannot be copied. How do I fix this?


Hi Jodie,

What is the full, exact error you are getting?
HI Jodie


Welcome to the Community Forums...


explanoit is quite correct in saying we need a bit more information to see if we can help.  Especially how you are trying to get the file from OneDrive to the USB stick.  Are you going into OneDrive (was SkyDrive) right clicking on the file you are lookiing to move and then using the 'Sendti' option that you should see on the context menu that comes up?


Also, have you tried copying the file from the OneDrive to your laptop and then to your USB drive?





