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I've installed Webroot but it says the PC is clean. Please help.

Thanks, Brad
Hi LiveWire


Welcome to the Community Forums.


Sorry to hear about your troubles. I am afraid that if the ransonware attack was prior to WDA being installed then there is nothing that it can do in terms of dealing with the results of the attack.


Whilst WSA can roll back the effects of a ransomware attack this can only be done if WSA was installed prior to the attack and the encryption of files as WSA would have had the opportunity to monitor and journal the activities of the malware and so have the means to rollback.


Apparently, there are decrypting applications available for the CryptXXX version, which apparently can help with recovery of encrypted files. They are produced by other zecurity companies. I cannot, due to Community Guidelines, post any links to these but if you Google "recover files from cryptxxx ransomware" you should find them.


As for help with removing the virus itself you can try Opening a Support Ticket to ask the Support Team to investigate this and for help.


Regards, Baldrick
