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I've been having this error in google chrome since 2 weeks ago when there was an update for the browser.




People say it's related to the new SSL modifications google is doing.


People on other forums are saying to disable SSL scanning in anti virus software from another brand and I do not see this option in Webroot.


There was someone that didn't have the other brand was mentioned and they had yet another brand that had the same issue.


Anyone here on Google chrome that has this error? 
Hi Remixed


Do not use Chrome (for many reasons) but this error seems to have been in the news since mid last November at least with other AVs/ISs.  If it is for the same reasons then I would open a Support Ticket to see what the Support/Development Teams have to say about it, since as far as I know you are correct and there is no way to change the use of SSL scanning in WSA.





Thanks. I'll file a support request.
I got a message from suppoirt saying to disable the web scanning which is really risky and I would make a test vm for this.. however I dont have enough keys to add another for testing. I do a lot of sensitive stuff on this pc and Im weary about disabling the web sheilds.

I don't think it was a good idea for google to mess with SSL.
@ wrote:

I got a message from suppoirt saying to disable the web scanning which is really risky and I would make a test vm for this.. however I dont have enough keys to add another for testing. I do a lot of sensitive stuff on this pc and Im weary about disabling the web sheilds.

I don't think it was a good idea for google to mess with SSL.
Honestly the rest of WSA Shields will protect your information perfectly fine but how about trying Firefox 26 or IE do you have the same problems as I don't use Chrome either?


My ie has a problem of using a ton of processor for some reason but I'll give ff a try.
If you moving to FF for the reason of using less resources you going to get a big suprise!
Really? How has it been lately. Haven't used it for over a year.
Its awful, its slow,bloated and good luck going to any site with media content on it. Then again Chrome keeps crashing on me (also see link below :)
Its multi process tho so each tab has its own process.

ARG nobody can do a browser right tho. All of them rock and suck at the same time
Hey Remixed


I would beg to differ on that score as the latest Maxthon Cloud browser (ludicrous name as it gives the wrong impression IMHO) is fast and light...but is not covered by the Web Threat Shield.  However as Daniel has stated in a post above the other WSA modules provide suffcient cover so as not to worry.  Well, at least I don't.


Recommend that you give it a try (there is a proper portable version that yo can use for the trial).






Note: I require a browser with a screen capture (full page + selection so windows built in isn't enough) last pass intergration, and a text expander.

Does maxthon have that?
Hi Remixed


That I cannot say, I am afraid, as for screen capture I use a stand alone app (Screenshot Capture), and for password management I use WSA' s Password Manager.  Text Expander...yes, I believe it does...but best that you check out if what I am thinking about is the same as you are looking for.





I might give it a shot. Thanks
It seems the errors aren't showing up so far... yet..... I have to have the web shield off though and I would prefer to have it on so I hope we can resolve this!
Sorry Remixed


Is your last post in relation to trialing Maxthon?  If so then good but unfortunately the Web Threat Shield does not cover Maxthon, only IE, FF & Chrome at present (the is a request open in the Ideas Exchange to inlcude perhaps?).


But as I have stated before you are very well protected by the other WSA modules and especially so if you include Maxton under 'Application Protection' which yo ucan do manual.






A webroot rep on the phone today with me recommended waterfox and I'm liking it so far!
Hi Remixed


Hmmmmmmmmm, have heard about it but not really had much time to go and have a look.  Perhaps I now will.


Cheers, Baldrick
@ wrote:

A webroot rep on the phone today with me recommended waterfox and I'm liking it so far!

Waterfox is 64bit based Browser built off of Firefox and is not support by Webroot just to let you know but you can add it to the Identity Shield and then you will have that protection as well all of WSA's Anti-malware protection but no Web Shield!




First of all disable the sandbox feature and check if there are security conflicts in between. Here are the steps to do so:


1. Right click Google Chrome destkop icon.

2. Select Properties.

3. Click the Shortcut tab.

4. Add below text next to the existing path under Target textbox:


5. Click Apply, and then OK.

6. Use this Chrome Crash-Fix and scan for issues related to browser settings and configurations.

7. Close and re-open Google Chrome. Your problem will be fixed.
Welcome to the community @ !


Did you have a question? It appears you posted a blank message,


If you should need assistance, please feel free to ask!


Welcome KangKang to the WSA Community Forum! Great to have here..:D


Would you be so kind to tell me what Browser you are using? Maybe a https:///t5/forums/replypage/board-id/WSA-AV/message-id/Submit Trouble Ticket   is needed here!





Here is a look at this thread Here ...


Please let us know if you get this sorted out or not?



Hello and Welcome to the Webroot Community!


Can you give use more info as you did post anything! Here is some info: and here:




Daniel 😉

I have just spent 2 hours around a friends house solving an SSL connection issue. This issue was affecting all SSL secure sites, including access to PayPal. The screen came up with a SSL connection error, that initially looked like the internet had dropped out. But most other websites loaded fine. Very Strange. I have never seen anything like this and it took me a while to work it out. However, I did get it cracked eventually. It turned out to be quite simple to fix. I imagine this issue is causing people a lot of issues, so I thought I would share how to solve the problem. 

This is a worrying issue because it apparently established itself. I wonder whether an automatic update was to responsible for this SSL connection issue. This issue was apparent in both Mozilla Firefox and Internet Explorer, here’s how I fixed both of them.


To fix this issue, first download the latest version of Firefox as a download file on your computer. Then you may want to backup your bookmarks. Go to BOOKMARKS, SHOW ALL BOOKMARKS, IMPORT AND BACKUP, BACKUP and save your bookmarks file to an easy to access file folder. You are going to need to uninstall Firefox completely, and then re-install it. Merely updating to the latest version of firefox, will not solve this issue. Go to START, CONTROL PANEL, PROGRAMS, UNINSTALL A PROGRAM, find Firefox. Uninstall completely. Once uninstalled, find the download file you just downloaded a moment ago (Normally in the Downloads section, go to START, COMPUTER, and its in the top left corner under Favourites.) Launch the FireFox setup file to re-install FireFox from scratch back on to your computer. This will solve the issue.

Internet Explorer

You may want to backup your bookmarks before starting this procedure. Once you’ve done this click on the cog/gear wheel in the upper right of the internet explorer window, and go to Internet Options. Go to the Advanced tab on the top right hand corner. At the bottom of this page is an option to Reset Internet Explorer Settings. Click the Reset button, this will bring up an “are you sure screen”, click on reset to confirm the reset. You will need to close and re-open the internet explorer application after resetting. This should solve the issue.

If for some reason this does not work. You will need to roll back to an earlier version of windows (my friend was running IE 9 on an old XP machine) and then do the above RESET procedure again.

It turns out you can’t actually find Internet Explorer as a PROGRAM to uninstall the same way as any other application. Thanks very much for that Microsoft by the way! So to roll back to an earlier version of windows, you need to uninstall an Internet Explorer Update. To do this go to START, ALL PROGRAMS, and go to WINDOWS UPDATE. Click on VIEW UPDATE HISTORY, At the top of this page is a link to INSTALLED UPDATED. Click on this. Depending on the speed of your computer, this may take a while to load up fully. Go down to the section for MICROSOFT WINDOWS. In that section somewhere you will find a file that says WINDOWS INTERNET EXPLORER, followed by a version number. Click on this, go to the top part of the page and click on UNINSTALL. Follow this through to roll back to windows 8. You will need to reboot your whole computer, or do a full shutdown, and then turn it back on again. When it loads up, it probably will have rolled back to Version 8.

Once you’ve done this click on the cog/gear wheel in the upper right of the internet explorer window, and go to Internet Options. Go to the Advanced tab on the top right hand corner. At the bottom of this page is an option to Reset Internet Explorer Settings. Click the Reset button, this will bring up an “are you sure screen”, click on reset to confirm the reset. You will need to close and re-open the internet explorer application after resetting. This should solve the issue.


I personally wouldnt advise people go uninstalling IE its far too messy and can cause issues. Since we have two blank messages with no actual information and the original posters havent come back I would wait until they come back. For all we know it could be a number of issues. 
Well I haven't seen this error in quite some time so that's why I haven't really came back to this thread.
