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Is it record?

There are no problems without Webroot, but with it...

Of course Win 8.1 x64.



Hello lukasamd and Welcome to the Webroot Community Forums.


WoW I have never seen that high but they know about it and it's on the list but over 2GB must be a record.




Daniel 😉
Where is the Update? Still missing 😞
I could very well be very wrong, but I believe the fix for that is in testing or very close to it.  Hopefully we will have something more definite soon!
I bought this when I saw the offer, noticed 26% of my ram was being used and found this thread.

Then saw the date it was started!

a little dissapointed.

I bought Webroot about 2 months ago, and upgrade all my home notebooks to Windows 8.1 about month ago...

Now, I can't use it on any computer becasue this bug... :@
I raised a ticket, I' going back to MSE. see if I can get my money back as the site states windows 8.1 64 bit compatible which it clearly isn't or ever has been.

Third party av vendors seem to have really struggled since windows 8, makes you wonder why?
not entitled to a refund because I should have used the trial version!

You live and learn, I shall warn others in our monthly publication.
Hi stratoc / Hi lukasamd


Welcome to the Community Forums...:D


Sorry to hear that you are not happy users due to this issue.  As has been said there has not really been an update on this for a while yet I know that there is a new beta version under test so perhaps the release of that may help.


Let's see if we can get some updated information on this via the very nice Webrooters (I do not work for Webroot, BTW) who frequent & manage the forums. @ @ @ 


Perhaps you would hold on leaving us until there is a definitive reply...would hate for you to miss out on using such a great piece of security software. ;)


Please feel free to ask if you have any further/additional questions.







PS.  It may take a little while for an official response as most of the forum mamangement team are US based so this is early Saturday monring for them.  But I am sure that they will be along presently.
Well, the laptop slows down playing Candy Crush (8 gig ddr3 I5)

Desktop just popped up a disable programs to improve performace while playing rift (4.9 gz 1100T 16 gig ddr2 @ 1066)


Laptop is brand new and just formatted with operating system only.

Clean install on desktop never risked third party security and now I see why.


This is not fit for purpose. It is not compatible with Windows 8.1 64 bit, and this is false advertising whichever way you look at it.
Hi stratoc


Completely understand your position, hence why I am trying to get the update on the issue for you.  In the meantime I would recommend that you also Open a Support Ticket if you have not already and see if Support can double check that WSA/Win8.1 64bit combination is in fact the cause of your issue...and there is not some other reason for it.





Good morning Daniel


Great minds think alike...I have already PM's Joe to see if he can shed any light on this point for stratoc & lukasamd...but so far nothin'...but then again it is the weekend and even Joe needs some rest. ;)


Hopefully we wil get an update soon.





Thanks for the quick help guys, I'm not saying I wont try a later build as I am stuck with 2 X 2 year licenses.

But will put it down to experience for now.
I understand but it would be nice to get an update!


We're still investigating this but the higher Explorer RAM is allocated by Windows in such a way that it will not impact system performance in any measurable or noticeable capacity. If you're experiencing any system performance degradation, I suggest writing into our support team so that they can inspect your logs and correct the issue.
Hi Joe


Many thanks for the update/clarification.  Much appreciated you taking the trouble to come back on this.





Yes, there is performance degradation in time (system slow down if there is not reboot within about 3-4 hours) and RAM usage is problem.

I've already paste screnshoot with explorer 2GB+ RAM usage in this thread. 

200-300 MB? No problem.. But 2 gigabytes?!


I also contacted support, send logs... without results. 
My computers were on just under 24 hours.

The fact they're both new clean installs and completly different systems, one is an old AMD ddr2 box and the other a brand new intel ddr3 laptop and they were both running slow tells me there is a problem.

The only third party software is:

Google drive/chrome

Nvidia driver and Physx drivers on desktop.


Laptop only has Google drive/ chrome and bits Windows installer picked up, I never used the drivers disk as there were no '!' marks in device manager.

It's 2 days old.
@ wrote:

Yes, there is performance degradation in time (system slow down if there is not reboot within about 3-4 hours) and RAM usage is problem.

I've already paste screnshoot with explorer 2GB+ RAM usage in this thread. 

200-300 MB? No problem.. But 2 gigabytes?!


I also contacted support, send logs... without results. 

I don't see any case where Webroot could cause 2GB of RAM as in your screenshot. Could you see if uninstalling Webroot corrects the RAM allocation and reinstalling it causes it to reoccur?
On my system with WSA installed Explorer continues to use between 280-320mb ram.It's no issue for me as i have plenty of ram installed and it's not affecting performance in any way,even while using WSA with KIS.I have tried multiple usage scenarios and can't get Explorer ram usage to exceed more that around 320mb.I can't see 300mb ram usage being an issue unless you are trying to run a  64 bitOS with less than the minimal 4 gigs of memory.I have found no lag executing any tasks,not even gaming.


I used a trial of Webroot on my Windows 8.1 (64 bit) machine and i had an explorer.exe of near 300 MB. Without Webroot it is around 30 MB.


I tried a system restore to a previous state and Webroot was still active and worked, but no way of uninstalling it. But what struck me is that the explorer.exe was not near 300 MB, but at the 30 MB range.


If this *bug* would be fixed i would not hesitate into buying this product because the overall feel of it is good.


Oh and i had 2 instances of Webroot running in processes instead of 1.


Product version of Webroot
strange, my Epxlorer.exe is @ 40 MB only with the same version of WSA as you


Did you make sure you fully disabled Windows Defender as per the intructions in this thread:
Hi MaXimus


Are you running the 64bit or 32bit version of Win 8.1?  I believe that the issue with explorer.exe is linked to the former rather than the latter.  I am running the 32bit version and like you I am seeing 24-36 Mb in use.





I tested on both Windows 8.1 x64 and Windows 7 Pro x64 both were fine. So maybe you're right it's only on the 32 bit version
