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Hi Baldrick,


Thanks for the quick reply. 


What exactly does the Protects account logins and passwords do? Will it protect when you store them on the pc? (which i never do btw)




Hi Nask


You are very welcome...:D


That feature relates to the Password Manager feature (more information about this great feature here) which allows you to capture/record web access credentials easily (but under user control) storing them in the Cloud (so you can access then & maintain them via your Web Console) and then auto filling them for you (again if yo so wish...theis is configurable) when yo next go to a page that you have previously recorded credentials for.


And that is just a summary of some of the features.  I certainly use it extensively as I use multiple browsers and that way if yo access a site from any of the main browsers the  PM will apply the credentials to the supported browser irrespective of under which browser they were originally recorded.  Main ones supported are FF, Chrome & IE.


Hope that helps?






Update from JoeJ:




"However, as I've mentioned in the other thread, the Explorer RAM issue will not affect your system performance: Explorer is using paged memory and only when it is not being requested from other processes so it will have no system performance impact, even if you only have 1GB of overall system RAM."


And it's still on the list and they will get to it!


I've updated to the .63 version. Still no improvement unfortunately. 2 more days and my trial is over.


I looked into the option of active processes in WSA.

On my machine it gave this at the explorer.exe as details:


Ram usage: workset: 351 MB (peak 366 MB) Virtual 562 MB (peak 4095 MB)

So does this mean your not sticking with us because of this? It will be fixed but as Joe said above there is no performance issues and if you do Contact Support so they can gather your logs. Webroot Customer Service


In all truth i do like WSA, but this bug is giving me a weird feeling.  I really want to use it on my Win 8.1 machine, that's why i am trying different things to solve it. 


I've uninstalled it and reinstalled. Also did the autorun thing.

I've stopped the program then restarted explorer to test if the usage , it went up after activating WSA again.



Regarding the logs :


Will it matter that my trial is nearly ended for them to gather the logs and that i am not in the US (timezone difference)?


You like WSA so just give it sometime and it will be fixed! Are you experiencing any performance issues? I don't know why it's giving you a weird feeling WSA is fine as is as Joe said above it's using PageFile Memory not actual memory.




I've contacted Webroot Customer Service and provided them with my info. Now it's waiting on a reply.


Oh and i tried something else, as you mentioned it's using PageFile Memory. I disabled the PageFile in Windows, but no effect on the Explorer. Was worth a shot :)


Anyway i hope they can get decent info from my logs, despite my reinstall again today.




Ok sent Customer Service the log files. That a lot of files for them to browse through. o.O
On my Windows 8.1 x64 laptop, Windows Explorer is using 292 MB.

I have 32 GB RAM so I don't care

But 300 MB isn't that big of an amount IMO. At the end of the day it's not the amount of RAM that is used by the AV that's important, it's how it scans file, and how much imapct it has on the sytem. If you are not experiencing any slow down, then just ignore it. If you are, then with the logs you sent to support, they should be able to whitelist a lot of the safe files and that would give you a big performance boost once they're whitelisted
Today i decided to install an older game (Diablo III) on my system. While it was busy installing itself, i opened the task manager and to my surprise i saw the Explorer.exe being dropped to near 30 MB. After installing it remained around that amount, so i thought lets see what it does after a system reboot. After the reboot the explorer.exe was around 300 MB again.



Oh and @ :


I partly agree with you. That the AV, with the processes it uses, consumes a litte more RAM is not a issue. The problem IMO is that it alters a different process up to a tenfold it's normal RAM usage.

You choose to ignore it, that is ok, since it won't bug you 🙂. I personally want to find out why this is happening and how to fix it. I'm too picky to ignore it. Every individual can have his/her own insights /opinions, right?


On my system i don't experience any slow downs as of yet 🙂
@ wrote:

I personally want to find out why this is happening and how to fix it. I'm too picky to ignore it. Every individual can have his/her own insights /opinions, right?


You can also send the necessary logs to support, as described before.

I many others have already done so.

I think together we can help in solving this problem.


I've sent them a few logs already this past week, but took your advice and sent them a new log.


I think you are right, the more information they can gather, the sooner they can fix it.
Correct and thanks!


Daniel 😉
Hi Guys,


Are there any news about the solution of this issue??




Hi Miquell


"However, as I've mentioned in the other thread, the Explorer RAM issue will not affect your system performance: Explorer is using paged memory and only when it is not being requested from other processes so it will have no system performance impact, even if you only have 1GB of overall system RAM."

"There is zero impact to the system with this issue - it only affects available RAM if not used elsewhere, and does not impact performance. We are fully compatible with Win8 x64. We should be able to implement a workaround for this but we're focused on more important changes at the moment which actually do improve protection and performance.

(Also, to the followup posters saying they're seeing it fixed: we haven't changed anything, but it's very possible that Microsoft put out a patch to fix it)"


Hi Petrovic,


I'm using the WSA with Win8.1(x64) and since the last update it looks just fine :D

Explorer doesn't absorb more memory than usual (about 30 MB).

But I know that a lot of users still observes this problem.

I installed the WSA on another laptop and high memory usage by the explorer.exe is still there.

I'm not entirely convinced that explorer uses paged memory, but I can confirm that truely it has no impact on system performance.




Thanks for the info :D





now that I read your postings, I have exactly the same problem, even with the Version.66 explorer.exe is mine at around 400MB and that constantly, if I disable webroot AV, the RAM consumption goes down IMeNS namely on 30 MB, the offenders I see on Webroot AV. What should I do?
It will be fixed but is a low priority as it doesn't affect performance like JoeJ said here:




Daniel 😉
Thanks for the reply, but I, I do not see in such a way that it affects the performance, 400 MB of 400 MB and I only have 4 GB of RAM and 400 MB are there very much, so the problem should be solved urgently that would otherwise I must do my best to another AV solution because something does not work.
It does work even if you had 1GB of RAM it's a bug and will be fixed at some point as Joe said!


It doesnt matter if you have 1gb or 4gb Windows allocates 4gb of Virtual memory (VMM) for it to operate so this 300mb isnt actual RAM usage but paged memory. People are getting mixed up on how processes use allocated memory. 


Not to mention the fact that WSA only uses normally a few MB`s of memory when its running unlike many other AV`s that use a couple of hundred.
just a quick suggestion, you do have Windows Defender and its 2 startup entries unchecked right?

Howdy folks,

We are definitely aware of this but unfortunately there are bigger fish to fry out there and this issue has received a low priority. It is not terribly wide spread as Win 8 is not a big hit (c'mon Win 9) and really only you power users who like to stare at their resources have noticed this. Yes I am definitely guilty of this as well...;)


It is on the radar and I am sure that development will get this resolved in an upcoming build.


Thanks all and stay tuned!
