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Not sure where to post this, mods please relocate to the most appropriate location, thanks.


I have been using WRSA on and off for a few years now, was even a beta tester for a while, but since the recent purchase of new Win 10 laptop I've decided to uninstall it and keep it off for the foreseeable future and I make this request to WRSA designers / developers: please block and remove known malware as it arrives rather than just monitoring and watching what happens, only then acting.


I undertand the philosophy of WRSA and I am not suggesting a removal of any of the monitoring functionality, but when I can see a malware attachment on an email, or folder, and WRSA simply waits until activited, then it's an awful lot of trust to place in a product that it will protect a user when the payload is still sitting there waiting to spring into action. I simply don't want malware on my system, period.I think it's a kind of flawed logic to allow known or suspected malware to reside on a system and only act when it's allowed to start to do it's mischief. This point comes up often on these forums and elsewhere.


Of course as an experienced user I am not going to download an unknown attachment, but increasingly with people's email addresses being spoofed it's becoming increasingly difficult, especially for less experienced users, to spot these tricks. Even experienced users are fallible, we can be tired at the long of hard day, or in a rush, and inadvertantly click on a payload.


A solution of a quick online lookup by WRSA of newly arriving / recent files against a database then immediately quaranteening the suspicious file would not in my opinion bloat WRSA to become like most other AV softwares and would instill confidence in many users, not least those who have trialled WRSA then watch as it does not act immediately on malware, not understand the philosophy then move elsewhere to another software.


I really like what you guys are doing but I think you need to understand real users and their concerns slightly more and ensure the WRSA removes or quaranteens immediately what is known to be malware in a visible way before it even is allowed to execute.


Thanks for your consideration.
Hi cavehomme


Understand where you are coming from and you have an interesting view to this and the Webroot philosophy.  What I would suggest is that you take what you have posted in this thread and open a Feature Request (link at the top of each Community page) as that is the best place for your view/request to be noticed by the DevelopmentTeam, who regularly review the requests made.


It would also provide and approrpiate place for other Community members to post their comments (in support or otherwise) and also show practical support by kudoing your request.


Of course, I would suggest chaning the title/subject of any such request from 'Flawed Logic?' to something like Proactive malware interception at downlaod' or something akin to that.


Hope that helps?


Regards, Baldrick
Thanks Baldrick, that's a great suggestion and I have just posted the suggestion under your suggested title!


"Proactive malware interception at download"


Hope it gets a few votes!
Most times it will it's just the unknown files or unknown malware. Now with that said have a look around do you see anyone coming here complaining of infections besides PUP's Or PUA's? Maybe 1 or 2 so that should tell you how well WSA protects you IMO.



Daniel ;)



Hi cavehomme


You are most welcome...I will have to mozy on over to the Feature Request site and take a look myself at some point. ;)


Regards, Baldrick


