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The topic still comes up from time to time, and while it's not likely to happen, we don't necessarily want to quash the discussion on it if it turns out it's something people still want.https:///t5/Ideas-Exchange/WSA-all-versions-Exclusion-of-specific-files-folders-from-scans/idi-p/3300


When you think you've finally found AV that has a normal price and works well, google finds quote above... Sorry guys, as a developer I can not have AV that does not let me exclude folders from being scanned. It's so annoying when WSA deletes every single .exe file generated by compilers. And in a world where time matters I can't afford wasting my valuable time for excluding .exe files from being scanned every time I compile a code.
Hello @,


Welcome to the Webroot Community.


This is our most requested feature and it is in the process of being released. While I do not have an ETA for it, it will likely be very soon as it is in beta testing now.

You can learn more about the feature and any updates here.


I hope this helps, and please don't hesitate to let me know if you have any other questions or concerns.

Best Regards,

I have another request. When WSA detects possible threat and red window popup, there are two options "Cleanup later" and "Continue". When I click "Cleanup later" WSA keeps annoying me with that red popup window over and over again. My request is to add another option to allow program, so I don't have to go manually into quarantine, restore file and then allow it under the "Allow/Block Files" tab. 


Hello @,


Please submit this idea at That is where the community can view and vote on feature requests. We are always open to new ideas and have implemented quite a few from the request of our community here.


Best Regards,
PM'd Stealth to avoid confusion with other users.


Add my vote to the need for this feature.  Our company has just adopted SecureAnywhere as its protection of choice.  We have a 47GB dropbox system that we all contribute to and I work using Windows on a virtual image on my macbook (which also has SA installed so I'm using 2 paid licenses!).


There is no need for my laptop to scan dropbox or the images.  A full scan should take minutes but instead it takes ages because I cannot exclude these directories. The Windows image which is not exactly small only takes a few minutes


OS: OSX 10.11.4

Secure Anywhere version:


Hi chrisroth


Welcome to the Community Forums.


You say that your company has just adopted WSA, and if that is the Endpoint Security (Business) version rather than the Consumer/Home version then, I believe that the Folder Exclusion feature already exists in the Endpoint Security version. Of course, I may be incorrect on this as I am no expert on that version but I am fairly certain that I heard this mentioned a while back.


Perhaps our most excellent Community Manager @nic could check this out and advise? ;)


Regards, Baldrick
You are correct as always @!
Thanks both.


Reading between the lines, if I have the  correct version installed, I should have the option to exclude folders even though I'm on OSX (i.e. there's no cutdown functionality for that version).  


I'll check with my tech team that we have the correct software for the service we're paying for.


Oh for OS X things are different. Let me ping my Mac expert to see what he recommends.
Oooooops, apologies...missed the Mac part of the initial post.:$


Regards, Baldrick
So the Mac does indeed lack parity with the PC on some features, including this one. My understanding is that it's in the works but I don't have an ETA for you on it. Sorry to not have a better answer for you.
Well, its almost the end of Feb 2017.

Still not there.

PLEASE add the ability to whitelist by folder.

I just spent 4 hours whitelisting .exe's and .dlls because Webroot freaks out over things that aren't virus/malware if they are something that is just "new".

This is getting ridiciuls that you can't whitelist by folder.

And no way am I purchasing a business license to get that feature that is in free AV software.

Well, Wohlever


I am sure that you understand that this feature is not the only feature that the Development Team will need to be considering and also that their focus will be majoring on making sure that WSA remains at the cutting edge of protective & defensive software against all the nasties out there and especially in the area of ransomware?


Personally, I would prefer to wait for this feature (as I have done for a number of years) if WSA keeps me safe...I certainly do not want minor fucntionality at the expense of solid protection.


But just my view of course...;)


Perhaps @ could check out where we are with this feature request?


Regards, Baldrick

@ wrote:

Well, its almost the end of Feb 2017.

Still not there.

PLEASE add the ability to whitelist by folder.

I just spent 4 hours whitelisting .exe's and .dlls because Webroot freaks out over things that aren't virus/malware if they are something that is just "new".

This is getting ridiciuls that you can't whitelist by folder.

And no way am I purchasing a business license to get that feature that is in free AV software.


I would suggest contacting support with more information regarding this. We can handle the whitelisting on our end and folder exclusions are rarely necessary for our business customers - it is usually done simply because that's what people are used to doing with traditional AV products.


@ wrote:

Well, Wohlever


Perhaps @ could check out where we are with this feature request?


I've reached out to our Product Team and will report back with any update they give me. Thanks, @!
I heard it will be coming sometime this year in the Consumer product as it's already in the Business product. 😃
This is silly. I am Pen Tester. I use tools that include malware,spyware,portscanners,vuln scanners, etc. I have folders I need to exclude from a/v scans. In the mean looks like I won't have much choice but to switch up A/Vs :(


Though I give your tool props for finding all my tools, even my custom written malware lol.


Please add directory exclusions.
Hi killBit


Welcome to the Community Forums.


I am not quite sure what is not understand in terms of Daniel's response just prior to yours? Hopefully sometime this year...suggests to me that it is in the works...we just have to be a little bit more patient and wait. ;)


Regards, Baldrick
@ wrote:

Hi killBit


Welcome to the Community Forums.


I am not quite sure what is not understand in terms of Daniel's response just prior to yours? Hopefully sometime this year...suggests to me that it is in the works...we just have to be a little bit more patient and wait. ;)


Regards, Baldrick

Right! Sorry but I can't say anymore then I already did!
