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I'm a total rookie at this. Normally i just don't have the time.  Any help would be appreciated.  Just wondering about How Webroot gets anti-virus signature file updates to my desktop computer?



@ wrote:

I'm a total rookie at this. Normally i just don't have the time.  Any help would be appreciated.  Just wondering about How Webroot gets anti-virus signature file updates to my desktop computer?




Hi and welcome to the Community @

Webroot does not need to install large signature updates every few hours, everything is done in the cloud so your computer is always up to date when connected to the internet.


This is a pretty good picture of how it all works.



And if Webroot should miss a virus, this a good KB article which explains what happens then.

If you have anymore questions don't hesitate to come back and ask us.




Also this is a great video as well.


Daniel ;)

