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I have a different computer I wan  to put webroot on and one I want to remove it from. How can I find out which one to remove?
Hi bigboo,


Welcome to the Webroot Community,


Please go here to Deactivate from your other or old computer from your Online Account Console and then you can install Webroot on new computer. You should have a name for that Webroot PC Online Web Console. Choose the computer you want to deactivate.


Follow the steps closely!


  • Make sure you have a copy of your 20 Character Alphanumeric Keycode! Example: SA69-AAAA-A783-DE78-XXXX
  • KEEP the computer online for the install to make sure it works correctly
  • Download a Copy Here (Best Buy Subscription PC users click HERE)
  • Install with the new installer, enter your Keycode
  • Let it finish it's install scan
  • Reboot
Please let us know if that resolves your issue?


Hi bigboo


Welcome to the Community Forums.


You can do that by logging into the online console (HERE) and once in you go to the PC Security section (click on 'Go to PC Security) which will display all the devices that have been registered under you subscription. Click on each occurence of a device listed one after the other and in each case from the further information displayed you will be able to see what you have doen with each device. You pick the device that you wish to remove/deactivate and then click on the 'Commands' option.


From the further options displayed you then click on 'Deactivate' to effectively remove the device from cover. (Please see this KB Article for more information on deactivation of devices).


Hope that helps? Please ask if you have further questions.


Regards, Baldrick
I'm confused, I put webroot on 2 laptops and a PC but it is only showing one device. Does each device have to be registered even though I had to use the keycode for all of them?



Can you do a scan of your PCs which will  force Webroot to touch base with the server?


These PCs should show up at all times though, not just after running a scan.


I would consider creating a support ticket because that should not be happening. if these PCs are not showing up.


Support Number: 1-866-612-4227

Support Ticket:
How long ago was that? If it was only very recently then it may take some time for the registrations to reach the console. Try running a manual scan on each device that is not showing up and then check again once the scans are sometimes requires a little 'nudge'. ;)
The PC and one laptop was done as soon as I purchased Webroot and the other laptop was done about 3-4 months ago.
One of my laptops is scanning now but my other one is at my sisters house.
Well, that is very strange indeed...but not unheard of.  If they do not show up as a result of the suggested scan then you can just add them manually using the 'Add' button in the PC Security screen/page.


Regards, Baldrick
I sure hope that they are actually protected even though I have done scans on them. Especially on my laptop since I go out of town often. 
Hi bigboo


The registration part does not decide or indicate whether your local system is protected or not. To check on each system all you need to do is either to check that the notification icon (Green circle withg a 'W' in it) is present or that when you open the main WSA panel the colour of the panel is Green, there is a tick in the upper centre of the panel and to it's left is the word 'Protected'.


If that is the case then the system is protected by WSA,


Hope that helps?


Regards, Baldrick
I think the issue was that when I installed webroot on my computers, I thought that I had regersted it but it seems that I didn't. Even though they all scanned and showed safe searches. I registered today and now 2 are showing so maybe the other one will show when I do a scan??
Yes, given the one that is 'missing' a manual scan and then some time for the registration to filter through.


As I said previously if WSA is showing & is Green then you are well protected whether or not the registration is showing.


Regards, Baldrick
Thank you for all of your help. Tech support from Webroot is the best I have ever delt with because y'all always respond in a timely manner and solve my problems. I will continue to recommend it to all of my friends. Again, thank you. 
