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Must get rid of recurring popup:


Automator.exe - Application error

"The exception unknown software exception (0xc06d007e) occured in the application fieldat location 0xfd2d940d"


The above message keeps randomly popping up, can only be temporarily erased by turning machine completely off.
Hello and Welcome to the Community Forum,


Please submit a Support Ticket free of charge with an active subscription and they can look into this for you.




Kind Regards,
Hi quatte


Welcome to the Community Forums.


To add to what Sherry has advised...beware of snake oil solutions re. this particular issue.  It seems that it relates to Windows components and is in now way caused by a virus or malware so I suspect that the Support Team will be able to assist given this.


If I may I will direct you at a Microsoft Support thread (here) on this very topic that may provide you with some useful information on this issue.


Please let us know how you get on as all feedback on issues is useful to us looking to help other userrs in the future.


Regards, Baldrick
