How do I uninstall on a Mac? impossible to shut down and drag to the garbage

  • 24 October 2015
  • 2 replies

Program always running even if I quit. Impossible to uninstall on my Mac

2 replies

Userlevel 7
Hi sergecote03
Welcome to the Community Forums...:)
What you are reporting sounds very much like previous posts regarding some issue with WSA running under OSX.  Given you are unable to uninstall WSA by the prescribed method (there is no separate removal tool) I am afraid that I can suggest at this point is that you too If you Open a Support Ticket and bring this to the Support Team's attention.
I will check out some previous thread to see if they reveal any other options but for the moment, as far as I recall from previous threads, the consensus that such issues would be best handled through the Support system, as most likely remote sessions will be needed and the Community is not equipped for that. 
I suggest that this is the best course of action. 
If however you are more technical then you could take a look at this post from another thread, where another Community member suggests a course of action that resolved, for him, what sounds like the same issue...but I would stress that you should not attempt this unless you have carefully read & understood the actions described AND feel confident of being able to undertake them safely.
Post back to keep us updated of the position of your issue, and hopefully what is done to eventually resolve it...such information is useful to have in the Community, to help other users in the future that may have the same issue.
Userlevel 7
Badge +62
Hello ?,
Welcome to the Webroot Community,
If I may add to ? post you can also uninstall Webroot in Safe Mode.
Follow these steps to start up into safe mode.
  1. Start or restart your Mac. 
  2. Immediately after you hear the startup sound, press and hold the Shift key.
  3. Release the Shift key when you see the Apple logo appear on the screen.
After the Apple logo appears, it might take longer than usual to reach the login screen or your desktop. This is because your Mac performs a directory check of your startup disk as part of safe mode.
To leave safe mode, restart your computer without pressing any keys during startup.
If you don't hear a startup chime after pressing the power key, see what to do if your Mac won't turn on.
To uninstall Webroot look HERE
(You may want to follow these instructions first and if this doesn't work then uninstall Webroot in Safe Mode.)
Hope this helps?
