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For the last 10 days or so unsolicited web pages have opened on their own in a new Chrome tab while simultaneously,Webroot pops up with a  warning against that particular website reported as being unsafe,  i.e. sweetpacks/go2cloud or  It can happen while I'm simply reading an email, not clicking anything.  Running a Webroot scan detects no threats.  I have not downloaded any suspicious shareware or the like.  Any suggestions?
Hello bleachers,


Welcome to the Community Forum,


My advice it that you install a Popup Blocker for Chrome. Also check your Chrome Browser for any unknown extensions . You can also reset the Chrome browser.


For Chrome µBlock :


Then check your Computer for PUAs


If you continue to have problems then please submit a Support Ticket and they will be able to look into this for you free of charge with an active subscription.


Kind Regards,
Thanks for the quick reply.  I have been using AdblockPlus for years in Chrome with great success.  I'll look into your other suggestions.
Hi bleachers,

Please let us know how you are doing alright?

No odd extensions, no unwanted software, no programs in Chrome startup. However, I swapped ABP for Chrome µBlock, so we'll see if that makes a difference. Stay tuned...
I just powered up to check email at lunch.  After a minute or two, another two Chrome tabs opened themselves up, one for SlimCleaner Plus (^SW1^xdm151&tid3=297684__w4PM0311GA8D9BJIGTEOSEC6&tid2=3705661390) and the other saying this domain name has expired (  I will open a ticket with support on this.


Hello bleachers.


I'm just wondering if you did a reset with the Chrome browser. Or Maybe an unistall of Chrome and reinstall would help this while you are waiting for Support to contact you. If you want to try that here is the link for Chrome .


Otherwise  Thank you for keeping us posted. Really appreciate that for it helps others too.



Kind Regards,
 I think I've pinned down that the uninvited tabs were opening while I was otherwise occupied in Gmail.  I've cleared my browsing history, cookies, et al and reset Chrome.  Now we wait and see.  I'll keep you posted.
Hi bleachers,


Yes let's hope you resolved the issue huh? 😃
No, not solved, still getting unsolicited tabs opening.  Webroot is blocking them, but the true solution is to eliminate them altogether.  I'll open a ticket.
Hi bleachers,

Can you use another browser while you are waiting for Support? They will contact you through email and that might me a couple of days or sooner.

Sorry we couldn't get this resolved for you,

Best Regards,
Yes, I can switch to FireFox in the meantime.  Thanks.
Hi bleachers,


No problem, your welcome!:D
This is getting interesting.  I've been browsing with FireFox all evening when suddenly Chrome launched itself and opened two tabs of objectionable web sites.  I'm going to uninstall and reinstall Chrome while continuing to use FireFox to see if Chrome self-launches again.
Hi bleachers,


You are right..that is interesting. Let me know how that turns out too ok?



After reinstalling Chrome, things have quieted down, but I'm still suspicious that there's an infection lurking.  I had one tab pop up appearing to be requesting an update to Flash Player yesterday, and to day another tab popped open asking me to download some media player.  They did not trigger a Webroot warning, but I closed out of both without responding.
Hi @ 


Usually I will go to Adobe Flasher Player website.  But have a look here..As it saids, Adobe Flash Player is directly integrated with Google Chrome and enabled by default. Available updates for Adobe Flash Player are automatically included in Chrome system updates.


EDITED: if you install Adobe Flash Player for another browser ,make sure you un click any add ons. They are usually bundled with PUAs.



 Did you get the name of the Media Player? Not sure what that player would be. You can go here for more information on plug-ins



Thanks for keeping us posted!


I always go the product's website for downloads or updates, so, no, I did not click on anything.   I received two popups today, one from and one from  The tab header actually said "Flash".  I also found others describing the same problem as mine, but I do not have the extension they spoke of: ""  


I am still waiting to hear back from support.
Hi bleachers,

Yes it sounds like you are having some PUA issues and beings as it was a weekend when you issued that support ticket it shouldn't be long now for support to help you, the beginning of this week.

Thank you for your patience...
Still fighting malicious pop-ups, no word yet from support.
Hello bleachers,


I'm so sorry! Really ? When did you submit that support ticket? Wasn't it over the weekend or Friday? Have you checked your junk mail?



I can @ and see if he can find anything out. Or see if our moderator, Nic, can esculate this for you.






I believe I opened the ticket on Friday. Maybe the virus snuck in and deleted it.
Hi bleachers,


I don't think that could of happened. If you submitted that support ticket then they will have it and you will recieve that reply in your email.


You could call support if you wanted to and see if you can get help sooner.


Virus Removal Options



Hello Again @ 


Please check out this Microsoft help site and see if thats helps you out any. 


Here is the link to Revouninstaller.


Revo Uninstaller  Information and Download

  • Third Party Utility  Included even though a third party utility due to recommendation.  Free and fuller featured pro versions available, this utility helps remove stubborn remnants standard uninstalls can leave behind.
I was kidding about the virus deleting my ticket.  I don't know what Revouninstaller would do for me since I did not install anything to my knowledge.  What would I uninstall?  I'll wait for support.
Well I figured you were kidding but I usually play things safe. Ok it's smart to wait for support! Great! :)

