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I am trying to remove google lead services from my laptop, any help would be appreciated.Thanks

Hi I am new to this Community If anyone can help me with the above question

3 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +62
Hi Paddydood,
Welcome to the Community Forum,
Google lead services is a fake security program which is designed by hackers to rip off gullible computer users. google lead services can invade your computer very easily and won’t let you run any programs. Everytime you turn on your computer it scans your system automatically. You will see that this rogue program displays scary security alerts, stating that there are tons of viruses on your computer. In order to remove the threats, google lead services lures you to for buy its full version. Actually, all the detected infections are non-existent. google lead services just used its inbuilt programming to show some random infections to scare you. So you should not fall into its trap and for pay it.
Please submit a Support Ticket free of charge with an active subscription and they will gladly take care of this for you.
Hope this helps,
Kind Regards,
I am trying to remove my virus pls remove it
Userlevel 7
Hi Clarorada
Welcome to the Community Forums.
Have you tried running a scan of your system with WSA? If not then please do so and then post back with the results.
If you have tried and nothing has been found, i.e.e, WSA says that you system is clean, then please also post back to advise as to why you think that you have a virus on your system. We need to know what signs of this your are seeing, i.e., any messages, popups, etc., being display, any strange events occurring, etc.
Any detail you can provide will be of assistance to us in assisting you.
Regards, Baldrick
