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I have two computers one is a laptop computer with vista windows. Outher computer is a busktop computer with xp windows.

I have one tablet. on the laptop computer i can log in butt i have probloms am i doing somthing rong or is it on your end. On the dusktop computer i can not long in to access web concole need help to enter in my new keycode thank you for your time with me.
Hello and Welcome to the Community Forum,


Hello 38,


Do you have Webroot Internet Security Plus for 3 computers? Also please read the following which may help you.


Here is the PC User Guide to installing Webroot and Go here for Creating a Webroot Account


If you have a new keycode, you can activate it as follows:

  1. Open SecureAnywhere.
  2. Click the gear icon next to My Account. Your account panel displays.
  3. Under Activate a new keycode, enter the keycode you want to add and click Activate.

    Note: your keycode is a string of 20 alphanumeric characters. It is unique and holds the information about your subscription. You may choose to copy and paste your keycode when prompted, to ensure that the characters are entered correctly.
If you still have problems please get back to us or you can issue a Support Ticket free of charge with an active Subscription and they will gladly help you too.



Kind Regards,
@ wrote:

I have two computers one is a laptop computer with vista windows. Outher computer is a busktop computer with xp windows.

I have one tablet. on the laptop computer i can log in butt i have probloms am i doing somthing rong or is it on your end. On the dusktop computer i can not long in to access web concole need help to enter in my new keycode thank you for your time with me.

Hi 38


Welcome to the Community Forums.


If I may extrapolate from what Sherry has posted?  You have posted in the Antivirus forum so I am guessing that this is the version of WSA that you have?  If so then how many does does you subscription cover; it could be either 1 or 3, but in many cases it is just one.  If that is your case then you will only be able to install WSA on one of your devices and this may therefore be part of your issue. So please confirm what the position is here first, as it may be that you have another version and have posted in the wrong forum. ;)


Secondly, you say "...can not long in to access web console..." but do not explain what it is that is preventing you?  Are you entering you email address & password and that is being rejected or are you getting past that but then it is the entry of the Security Code characters that is preventing you from getting to the Console main panel.  


In either case, you are able to reset password and/or Security Code by clicking on the 'Can't login' link just below where you enter you email address and password.


Thirdly, as Sherry has quite correctly do not need to go to the Web Console to activate a subscription for a just enter the keycode in appropriate place in WSA as described by Sherry.


As I said earlier, if what Sherry has posted or the above does not resolve the issue then please provide some further detail as to you issues so that we can lookinto them further for you.


Many thanks in anticipation.


Regards, Baldrick
