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I purchased webroot,I was I thought completing the transaction ,said I wasn't through I needed to download...Help!
Hi ckwaddell1


Welcome to the Community Forums.


If purchasing from the Webroot site then you should get an email with registration details/keycode, etc., that will confirm if you purchase has gone through or not. Included therein should be a link to download the installer with (but just in case you need it it is HERE for PC or HERE for Mac).


Also, please let us know what messages you have received from the site whilst trying to purchase, especially just before the 'issue' as that may help us determine what is going on.


Finally, try contacting your bank or credit card provider to see if the payment has gone may be that the process failed at that point and you need to start again, but either way you don't want to pay twice. ;)


Regards, Baldrick
