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i purchased a desk top and a lap top.  i installed webroot on the desk top.  can i use the cd for my laptop as well or do i have to purchase another one
Hello and Welcome to the Webroot Community!


It depends on what you paid for 1 device or 3 devices if it`s good for 3 devices then yes you can!




Daniel ;)


Hi rlilbergsy


Welcome to the Community Forums.


EDIT: I see that TripleHelix has beaten me to are in good hands...:D


Let's see if we can answer your query. You have posted in the Antivirus Forum so I will assume that you have purchased that version of WSA?


If that is the case then I believe that your license will be for 1 device only and that to use WSA on another device will require the purchase of another Antivirus license.  If you are based in the US then please see this page for details of your options.  If UK based then please see this page.


Alternatively you could explore the renewal/upgrade path here (same for both UK & US users).


I hope that helps?  Please feel free to come back here with further questions if required.


Regards, Baldrick

