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I need to relaod my webroot and ad another computer to my account but i cant find my disk or my numbers can some one help me or should i go and buy another disk i believe it mexpires in march dont remeber could i get a phone number or some one email me at ~snip Removed Email Address for security reasons snip~ please i like the service and could do it off my credit card in march if I could get some help not real computer smart thank you Pam ehringer

Hello Pam and Welcome to the Webroot community!


Having the CD is not the Problem but you must find the 20 Character Alphanumeric Keycode Example:SA69-AANA-A783-DE78-C584 and are you sure it was a Boxed version and do you still have the Box or did you buy off of a Website if so can you post the link? Would it be a Best Buy Subscription via Geek Squad? Any other info would be helpful.




Daniel 😉
