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I bought a 3 pack of Webroot SecureAnywhere Antivirus from Amazon.  I immediately used two of the three installations I bought on the two computers I owned at the time reserving the third for the additional computer I planned to purchase.

I was forced to do a clean reinstallation of Win 7 after a Win 10 patch made the computer unusable.  After the clean Win 7 I mistakenly used the third Web Secure installation on the affected computer.  As a result I have two desk top icons on that computer and no remaining liscenced use for the third computer which I have since purcased and want protected..    If I simply renue, will I still be stuck with one of three computers with two of my liscenced applications and one with none.  My alternative would be to let the Web Secure subscription lapse in a week and re-purchase a three pack.  I would prefer not to loose the protection for even a day.  Web Secure is without question the best product I've ever come across. 
If you use one of the other computers, log into your my webroot, then deactivate said computer, you should be good to go then, hpe this helps
Hi JohnLemmenes


Welcome to the Community Forums.


Gazchelski is essentially correct in that if you have only really installed WSA on two systems but have consumed all 3 licenses across these 2 systems then it is most likely that the online account or console (HERE) is incorrectly recording the use of 3 licenses, and that the way to resolve this is to go into the console and deactivate the 'duplicate' device.


You will find all the instruction/guidance you need to do that in this KB Article, and I should add that when trying to decide which of the 'duplicates' is the one that you want to keep, if they refer to the same system/PC then it makes no difference but what I do is I run a manual scan on the actual system/PC, wait about half an hour to let the Cloud details for the account update, and then check for the device entry with the latest scan date, and delete the other instance.


To check for the latest scan date you should click on the icon representing each of the duplicates in turn and the panel that appears for each should provide that information to you, as the first entry in the panel.


Et voila, that should free up the device or license for you to use on another as yet unprotected system, if you so wish.


Hope that helps?


Regards, Baldrick
