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Please pardon me if this is the wrong spot to post this, but I just have (what is probably) a simple question about these forums::


In other forums, I have become accustomed to clicking “Subscribe to this Topic” at the bottom of the screen when I post a new message.  But in this forum, when I click on the button “Options” on the upper-right, the option “Subscribe” is always grayed out!!


So I’m confused—Please Tell me How do I subscribe to a Topic that I wrote?


Thank you for your help!


Hi Chuck


Unless you have change the default settings in your profile then you should be automatically subscribed for any topic that you start; as the OP, and also any topic that you respond to with a post.


To check that click on your username (top right hand corner) & select 'My Settings'...then click on the 'Preferences' tab, which should open at the 'Preference Options' page. Once on that page check to see that the 2nd from last option on the page is ticked...and if not then tick it so that yo are automatically subscribed.


Hope that helps?


Regards, Baldrick
Hi Baldrick,


Thank you for your reply!


Yes, that option:: “Automatically subscribe me to topics or reviews I participate in” . . .

has been checked from the beginning.  But it seems to NOT be working–At All!  For example::  For the 2 posts that I wrote, you replied to both of them, but I have still received Zero notification!!

And Also:: Under the Tab labeled “Subscriptions & Notifications” –  That Tab contains Zero items!

Can you think of anythink I could do differently to receive Notifications?


Thank You!




OK, Chuck...well, the other place to look is once again under 'My Settings' but this time select the 'Subscriptions & Notifications', and once on the then clcik on the 'Notification Settings' link to open those settings up.


Once on that check the settings for 'Automatically subscribe me to all topics or reviews I participate in' which should be ticked, and the For my forum subscriptions, notify me for'' which should be 'All posts'.


One can then decide when the notification emails are sent, i.e., immediately, weekly digest, monthly digest, etc., in the 'Email Notification' section below that.


Hope that helps?


Regards, Baldrick
Hello Again!


Thank you for all the time you took for that!!  I think I’ve got it now!


And now, there are a couple questions I have been wanting to ask you about your various “Signatures” (but didn’t want to distract you from the earlier issue);  To Begin With  – – –


For some time now, I have been strongly interested in the VoodooShield combination that you reference . . .

But then additionally, I was very pleased to discover the full-featured white-listing performed by Webroot –

so I wanted to ask, very specifically:  How is Webroot’s white-listing further strengthened by VoodooShield?



Hi Chuck


Glad that is sorted. You may also want to take a look at the Getting Started Guide that the Community Team has put together for new members?


In relation to VoodooShield I am not really at liberty to discuss this in open forum as discussion fo 3rd party security products/vendors is frown upon as it is contrary to the Community I will private message you with some relevant information...if that is OK with you?


Regards, Baldrick
Private Message would be . . .  GREAT !


No worries...;)
