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Laptop doesn't detect Webroot

  • 22 July 2013
  • 3 replies

I recently took my laptop in for it's yearly healthcheck, would anyone know why the report I got back shows that it did not detect any AntiVirus on the system although Webroot shows it is Active and I am protected?  Have I failed to do something apart from entering the new keycode?


If you see the Webroot icon in your system tray, it says you are protected, and we are running scans regularly, you have nothing to worry about. 


You can Open a Support Ticket if you would like one of our technicians to investigate further. Your "health-check" might just be notifying you that Windows Defender hasn't been updated and that it isn't your main source of protection.
I think I remember seeing a checkbox in WSA to sent that data to Windows' Action Center. Maybe someone can chime in if I'm right about that.
@ wrote:

I think I remember seeing a checkbox in WSA to sent that data to Windows' Action Center. Maybe someone can chime in if I'm right about that.

Yes there is a setting and it's checked by default on install of WSA. Maybe @  can try a clean reinstall, Make sure you have a copy of your keycode as you need it during reinstall then go Here to download a fresh copy of WSA and then Uninstall reboot then install WSA and let it finish it's installation scan then check to see if that corrects the issue in Action Center.





