So I always remembered Secure Anywhere being fast. I haven’t payed attention to it in a long time as far as scanning time goes. I just renewed my subscription and went through the settings again. I was noticing over the past few days that there was no last scan info. Then I see the program isn’t finishing a scan even after 9 hours. From what I can see it is slowing down in the user/library/CloudStorage folder. I have put the folder in the “Ignore” but it still seems to scan it. I tried to save and look at a log file but when I look at the timestamp it’s not listing the CloudStorage folder. I know its scanning the Dropbox folder as I can see the files while it’s scanning and they are only located there. Another odd thing is 95% of my dropbox is offline. Any thoughts appreciated…
Mac OSX Sequoia 15.2
Webroot Version 1729