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Seen several posts about this and now I have the same issue. The tray icon never has a padlock on it regardless of http or https. Thanks. 


 Ok if I shutdown and restart WSA then launch Chrome I see the padlock for about 10 seconds then it goes away. Is this normal? 
Did you get my reply from your email? And what did you come up with?


Daniel 😉
Its only there if I close out WSA and reopen it. The its there for a brief 10 seconds. Is it suppose to be there all the time? Is yours there all the time?
@ wrote:

Its only there if I close out WSA and reopen it. 

Ok in a thread on the weekend you were having issues with detections and now with ID shield can you do a clean reinstall of WSA again because as we talked it could be time for a clean OS reinstall you have all these issues which I do not I even showed you on my VM's. So try a clean reinstall of WSA with a reboot in between.




No, that is not normal.  However, do you have something running in the background that would be removing the focus from the browser?  If you navigate to a new page on the browser, does the Padlock return then?
I can use any other av product or any other software and no issues. Its not my OS. Especially when there are other threads about the same issues. 
Yes! Even to your reply with 6 tabs open in Firefox. I know your a Chrome man did you check the scan log for Chrome files with [u] in front?
What do you mean running in the back round? All I have open is Chrome. I click down on the system tray when Chrome is open and all I see is as "w". No "W" with a padlock. The padlock does show when I close out WSA and restart it. Then the padlock shows for 10 seconds and is gone. WSA AV only version
Its a Chrome issue and I really wish Webroot would address this. I just opened IE 11 and clicked over to the system tray and I have a "w' with a padlock. But not with Chrome. 
@ wrote:

Its a Chrome issue and I really wish Webroot would address this. I just opened IE 11 and clicked over to the system tray and I have a "w' with a padlock. But not with Chrome. 

It could be there are issues of even the Password Manager doesn't install correctly and didn't Chrome just update again a few days ago? Maybe you need to contact support as you know I don't use Chrome and I still didn't install it on one of my VM's.
This is WSA AV only and I already submitted a ticket. If you seacrh the forum there are tons more like me. 
Hum; can't answer that one for you.  I have Chrome, FF, IE11 on Win7.  The only time the lock goes away is when the browser loses focus.  You have the task bar to auto-hide (so that to see it you have to click or mouse over the hidden location)?
If it is an issue related to the Password Manager, I would recomend doing a clean install of Chrome.  There have been a couple of instances recently, myself included, that were resolved by a chrome reinstall.
The AV only does not have the Passwrod Manager function.
I DO NOT HAVE WSA COMPLETE. Gezzzz. No password manager. So in just that short time I opened and closed Chrome 10 times. 5/10 the padlock was there. Opened and closed IE 11 10 times and 6/10 the padlock was there. 
No need to be rude: I was typing my comment during the time you ID'd it as AV only: I simply did not see that before my reply hit.


In any event, as there are some issues with Chrome that I have seen which were resolved by a reinstall of chrome, you might try that and see if it helps.


It certainly won't hurt you know 🙂
Thank you dbrisendine. If I have Windows taskbar set to to "show icon" of Webroot all the time the padlock is continuously there. If it is set to the dafult status of only show notifications then the padlock is not there. Problem solved. But hopefully this does not mean I am not protected when the padlock is not there? Seems to me like a GUI bug. 


@ Daniel................I posted in the av section of the forum for a reason. Lol. Cause I have the av only version silly. So many bugs with WSA its crazy. 
There you have it!




But one should not have to do that. I for one have it set to the default status. I have no need to see all my system tray icons. Windows 7 makes it neat and tidy by autohidding them. But does this mean I am not protected? By default the only icons showing in notification area is action center, power, network and volume. 
@ wrote:

Thank you dbrisendine. If I have Windows taskbar set to to "show icon" of Webroot all the time the padlock is continuously there. If it is set to the dafult status of only show notifications then the padlock is not there. Problem solved. But hopefully this does not mean I am not protected when the padlock is not there? Seems to me like a GUI bug. 


@ Daniel................I posted in the av section of the forum for a reason. Lol. Cause I have the av only version silly. So many bugs with WSA its crazy. 

I disagree about the Bugs the user has to take some responsibly. Maybe a we bit?




@ wrote:

But one should not have to do that. I for one have it set to the default status. I have no need to see all my system tray icons. Windows 7 makes it neat and tidy by autohidding them. But does this mean I am not protected? 

Well look at it this way OK you come here and say the padlock is missing! I have mine set to show all as I like to see what's going on at all times so you don't so more info it the best medicine.


Daniel it has nothing to do with me "the user". Anyone who has there taskbar notifcaton set to default will experience this. i did not auto hide anything. Windows does that by default. You selected to show your icon all the time. That is not default. 


You altered your taskbar notifications so you will not experience the issue. The issue is clearly a Webroot GUI clitch when set to default. Set yours to default and you will see what I mean. 
The padlock should be there regardless of how the taskbar is setup. Plain and simple. 
I'm not saying your wrong at any point but the more info the better. With that being said yes you could of found an issue so @ will come by and make a comment to see what he thinks! I just don't give any time table as he is in Europe as far as I know.




Daniel 😉
OK, let me see if I understand.


1) you do NOT have the setting applied to always show WSA in the systray.


2) when you click on the 'show all' arrow to see what the current state of WSA is, you do not see the padlock.


Is this correct?
If the above is correct, then there actually is not problem or UI bug.  Also, please accept my apologies for not understanding exactly what you meant sooner.


I have the setting to keep WSA visible at all times.  The padlock indicates that the active window is protected.  If you are on a broswer screen, and click the 'show more' arrow to see the status of WSA, the browser is no longer the active component: the systray is.  The systray is NOT a protected element.


I tested this quite simply by seeing my WSA icon and padlock while viewing this thread.  I clicked that 'show more' arrow to view the rest of the systray and the padlock went away as the browser was not the active element now, systray is.  As soon as I clicked out of the systray, the padlock returned as the browser was again the active element.


What you are seeing is actually totally normal and the padlock working as designed.
