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Every since the never ending circle proplem I've been frustrated.....I tried re-installing WSA now I don't even have the option to install the filtering extension in Chrome..Ok in IE 11 which I don't use..:@
Just go here and install:




Daniel 😉
Hello there...  


To add to what Daniel said, an explaination of HOW this happens with Chrome sometimes.


Once WSA expensions have been removed from Chrome, especially if you manually removed them but sometimes just from a normal WSA uninstall from the computer, Chrome has built in extension security that can make this just a bit diffucult.


Google does this intentionally so that if there is a 'bad extension' that a user does not like nor want, they can manually remove it and Chrome will keep the extension from sneaking back in.  This is especially useful for extensions that can be classified as malware or PUA's.
Downloaded filtering for Chrome but doesn' it doesn't do anything as far as rating search results..Not even the never ending circles...still ok on IE..Just have the W green circle in the upper right of Chrome and that's it
@ wrote:

Downloaded filtering for Chrome but doesn' it doesn't do anything as far as rating search results..Not even the never ending circles...still ok on IE..Just have the W green circle in the upper right of Chrome and that's it

The green W at the upper right is not related to the Filter Exension.  It is from the Password Manager extension.


Go into your Chrome Settings, Extensions, and see if there is a listing for Webroot Filter Extension.  If so, make sure that it is enabled.  It is possible it installed but did not enable itself.


Also, if it is there, can you verify which version number is showing?
Hi ttomm46


Please go into the Extension Manager for Chrome,via Settings (topright hand corner of browser window and select) selecting More Tools and then Extensions and checking to see that you have the Webroot Web Filtering Extension installed AMD enabled...andost back to let us know what your set up is.


EDIT: shortcircuit did for my we know why he is shortcircuit...LOL About time you managed to get one in first...;)


Regards, Baldrick
Have a look here please and I forgot to mention you need to have a Gmail account:




Daniel ;)


EDIT: You don't need a Gmail account!
Just says I have the reputation toobar....the green cirlcle on upper right Says..Webroot reputaion..nothing about a password manager since i just have antivirus for gamers..:catfrustrated:
Does it show this under extensions under Chrome? and of course you should not have the Password manager that's for WSA-ISP & WSA-Complete! Also if you can take a snapshot of what your seeing and post please.




Daniel 😉
@   I need help here.  I know the current version of WSA-AV, IS and Complete do not make use of the Repuation Toolbar.  As I recall that was in use on the previous version of the Web Threat Shield/extensions, but it is now longer in toolbar form.  


Does the Gaming version work somehow differently or are we seeing an old legacy form of the Web Thread Shield software at play here?


EDIT: @ made it first and came to my rescue.  Thank you Daniel!
Thanks...did the new download and it fixed everything..still keeping the reputation toolbar also..Great tech support


@ wrote:

Thanks...did the new download and it fixed everything..still keeping the reputation toolbar also..Great tech support



You don't need the old reputation toolbar and as far as I know it's not supported anymore.




Daniel 😉
Here is some info: & and it hasn`t been updated since March 26 2014 for Chrome and Oct 10 2012 for Firefox..




Ok..Got rid of it and kept web filtering
When the current Web Filtering first rolled out, it took me a few days or so to get used to it, but really it works very well, and I like the fact that it does not require screen real estate space in the form of a toolbar.  I think you will be pleased with it.


@ wrote:

Ok..Got rid of it and kept web filtering
Kwel! Well it wasn't needed as you see they have Extensions an updated when needed and they are looking at better ways of delivering the Web Shield in the near future!




Daniel 😉
Gamer should work the same as the other products, so maybe it is an old version of the extension?
@ wrote:

Gamer should work the same as the other products, so maybe it is an old version of the extension?

It looks like it is.  He has the new Extension in place and has removed the legacy repuation bar I think
I got my site ratings back but after re-installing WSa the W on upper right of chrome is missing:S
Hi ttomm!


That W at the right side is for the Password Manager.  It is not uncommon for it to be missing following a re-intall of WSA.


Just run the toolbarfix.exe file to fix it.  Download it, before running please close ALL browser windows.  It will reinstall the Password Manager toolbar on all three supported browsers :)


Let us know if this helps!
