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Everytime I click on a picture and document it will not open, it tries, the circle goes round and round.  I just purchased the lifetime webroot and he said I would have one month free support.  What to do?  I never had this problem before.
Hello and Welcome to the Community Forum,


May I ask where did you purchase Webroot? From Best Buy or Webroot? Best Buy ussually gives you a 30day support but only  for Webroot issues. And Webroot Support gives you free Support for as long as your subscription is active. To be honest I haven't heard of lifetime supscriptions. Have you @?


I don't believe that Webroot would stop you from opening your photos or documents. I did find a Microsoft help article posted here with some good information.


You can also go to System Restore? Have you done a scan with Webroot?





Kind Regards,


Hi Sherry


I have heard of some third party suppor companies selling unsuspecting clients what appear to be lifetime licenses to WSA but to be fair this seems to be a rarity.  Still it would be a good thing to understand from where the license was purchased as that should indocate the correct course of action going forward.


Regards, Baldrick
Sherry, I was having trouble with my computer and clicked on  PC help icon and they had Webroot as a source to check in to.  I talked to someone there at Webroot and rather than pay for subscription yearly I was told I could do a lifetime subscription, I chose that options and paid for it. with a credit card.   I did not get it from Bestbuy only on line with Webroot.

I did all this online with Webroot and they fixed my computer problem from remote accress but since that I have not been able to click on a picture in my photo alburms and bring it up. .   I have not done a scan through Webroot or down a restore. Thanks you for your suggestions. 
Thank you. I will call Webroot.
Hello caabear131,


Thanks for getting back to us and I'm sorry for any inconviences.


If you want you can also submit a Support Ticket and put in this link so they will know what issues you are having. Or call them. Whichever is best for you.



Please let us know how things turned out won't you?
Sherry, thank you for your support.   Got it fixed. Thanks
Hello Again!

That's awesome news! ;)

Have a great day and make sure you come back just to visit and browse because we are a friendly group!

Best Regards