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This is a very interesting read on the above subject. Would like some feed back from our members on this.
@ wrote:

This is a very interesting read on the above subject. Would like some feed back from our members on this.

Woah.. Given todays topics and discussions, this a one great post and read.  Nice one!


I do not present myself as an expert on Cloud Technology, so my comments here will be based on 1) my own experiences as a user and 2) my experiences as someone who has in the past worked in computer repair.  (Though I am not currently directly  working in this area in the sense of being a repair technician.)



1) I remember well the bad "good old days" in which the AV software took more of your CPU time than anything else on the computer.  The performance hit was horrendous, and some solutions today are still very much the same.  Webroot uses so little of the CPU that really even on my older slower computer, I really can't tell a difference in when it is installed and running and when it is disabled.


2) During earlier days, several AV vendors would give "frequent updates".  Now I remember one in particular for which this meant a regularly scheduled update: once a week.  Period.  Even with major new threats that spread incredibly quickly when some other solutions were updating an "incredible" once a day, there were those that still used the once a week definition update format.  


Is it really better today with daily, or even multiple daily updates as new threats are identified?  I don't think so.  The time that some vendors take to release definition updates is much the same experience as a new Webroot version: it can take 3-5 days or even longer before all users have recieved the update.  The reason is simple: it just is not possible to update millions of users simultaneously.  While this is a perfectly acceptable model in updating the program itself (Like Webroot's updates) this is simply not efficient or really secure for definitions.


Also, the amount of time and network usage to update definitions near continuously also takes a hit on network and computer performance.


3) Is there an additional risk for Cloud based that are NOT connected to the internet over traditional solutions?  Well.. this one is touchy and was the basis for much of today's earlier posts and discussion.  Read what MikeR had to say.  He does not say there is NO additional risk, but the risks are moderated by very robust heuristics.  (And those who decry the Heuristic approach need to look at thier own solutions: all major AV solutions make a big deal about the heuristic abilities to locate new unknown threats....)


The point has been made that what good is the "rollback" feature if an infection hits while not on the internet, from a USB device for example, which causes the unit to be unbootable?  That is a big problem.  It is a big problem for ALL AV solutions.  I really do not believe it is any bigger a problem for Webroot though.  Threats of that nature are routinely and effectively blocked by Webroot just as the other solutions do.  How common is it really for a threat to nuke a device to the point that it cannot be booted?  


It's pretty rare my friends... There is no point in nuking a device to that state because that will not allow the bug to be spread to other devices.  Yes, there are time bombs that will nuke infected devices on a given day.  But guess what?  Those timers have to be set long enough into the future to allow a widespread infection rate.  We are talking about a timetable here that is well beyond "a week or so".  By the time "Detonation Day" arrives, pretty much ALL AV solutions are well aware of it and will be able to deal with it.


That being the case, I think that the risk of missed infection and damage due to no live internet connection is well mitigated and not a major concern.


I am sure I will have more thoughts on this subject, but I have written enough for one post.


Again Tony, GREAT post!  You have brought us some very good discussion points today, and I love it!
Of course Kaspersky would say it's bad I read it before! Sept 30th, 2010?


Pure FUD.


This one goes for end users also:


Let m e say this in my opinion only. Cloud Technology is the way of the future. As for the above articles this is one persons opinion or I should say agenda. You can take it for a grain of salt or gospel, that is ones choice. My choice is clear......Webroot has the technology and expertise along with the expertise of this forum we have a winning solution. To date I can honestly say I have not witnessed anything better that Webroot. The competition is trying to defuse what Webroot has accomplished, but they are left behind in the smoke of Webroots trail. What I have said is from the heart and my experience.
@ wrote:

Let m e say this in my opinion only. Cloud Technology is the way of the future. As for the above articles this is one persons opinion or I should say agenda. You can take it for a grain of salt or gospel, that is ones choice. My choice is clear......Webroot has the technology and expertise along with the expertise of this forum we have a winning solution. To date I can honestly say I have not witnessed anything better that Webroot. The competition is trying to defuse what Webroot has accomplished, but they are left behind in the smoke of Webroots trail. What I have said is from the heart and my experience.

Well Said!
Here's an image showing some of the workings of Webroot's Cloud Intelligence Network from BrightCloud:: win_large2.png .png Image, 1100 × 474 pixels)

@ wrote:

Let m e say this in my opinion only. Cloud Technology is the way of the future. As for the above articles this is one persons opinion or I should say agenda. You can take it for a grain of salt or gospel, that is ones choice. My choice is clear......Webroot has the technology and expertise along with the expertise of this forum we have a winning solution. To date I can honestly say I have not witnessed anything better that Webroot. The competition is trying to defuse what Webroot has accomplished, but they are left behind in the smoke of Webroots trail. What I have said is from the heart and my experience.

Hi Tony,


I agree it's the future and it's here now I have been down this trail since 2004 with Prevx I used to use Eset NOD32 AV with Prevx for years but IMHO NOD32 got to bloated so when Prevx came out with Prevx 3 with SafeOnline I went solo and never had any issues Webroot was very smart to Snatch up Prevx in Nov 2010 and continue along the lines of Prevx Cloud Based Security very light on resources and great protection with many Shields, Heuristics and Behavior Analysis it`s awesome and you can take that to the Bank! :D


I tend to make things easier and simpler. To me cloud is vulnerable, fast and easy.
Everything in our lives has its pros and cons including the cloud technology. I share David's view and see the more pros. As long as pros tops cons, everything's alright.
I have to get this off my know what make my day and mornings?????  Coming to this forum and experiencing the brightest and best answers to security questions on the web today.............I'll say it again...................This forum and members are the cream of the crop and the best on the web today....................Love..........................It.............:D

@DavidP wrote:


And why are you embarrassed?
Hi tsr,


very nice article , thanks!

Hope you got an answer to your previous question; if not , is nice to review:


From your article:


"The network is unreliable. This is, without a doubt, a serious flaw....Consequently, if there is no network connection to the cloud infrastructure, there will be no protection"


"However, heuristic methods detect, on average, just 50–70% of threats, which means that 30–50% of all emergent threats are left undetected by heuristic methods."


I hope you DO REALIZE that people on this forum are making a living from this cloud technology and is very unlikely that you will get an unbiased answer.



Well  Folks:

      topor is at again. He states Quote "30–50% of all emergent threats are left undetected by heuristic methods." and also  he states Quote: that people on this forum are making a living from this cloud technology and is very unlikely that you will get an unbiased answer.


Well its quite obvious why we don't receive a unbiased  answer..................Because .....................Webroot  Antivirus works..........Flawless is a better term. There is nothing better......Let me repeat myself  N O T H I N G  B E T T E R !!!!!!!!!   And of course people on this forum (employee's) make a living from this cloud technology they should ................They have earned it with a outstanding product................End Of Story...................................
Hey guys,


Everyone is entitled to their opinion on cloud technology. And yes, at Webroot we're a bit bias. 🙂 We think we have a wonderful, progressive cloud-based product and we're very proud of it. 


That being said, if you choose to disagree with cloud technology, please state your opinion in respectful way. And cloud supporters, let's not personally attack those who disagree with us.


We have two key rules in our https:///t5/Community-Announcements/Webroot-Community-Guidelines/td-p/2#.UbZdKfkcfQg:


Use Your Manners.

In order to maintain a positive, productive and dynamic Community, Webroot asks that you avoid using profanity, derogatory statements or making personal attacks toward others. Never post anything that is hateful, threatening, embarrassing, pornographic or harmful. Don’t discuss divisive issues such as religion or politics.  


Don’t Kill the Mood.

If you are joining the Webroot Community only to defile it, please move on. Or, if you witness someone attacking the company maliciously, Webroot kindly asks that you report the person so that Webroot can restore the Community balance (i.e. kick them out).


Please adhere to these or as Community Admin, we'll have to remove this thread as it doesn't add value to the Webroot Community. 


Thank you.
