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I opened Chrome this morning and it gave me a warning that a program is trying to add an extension onto Chrome and it wanted to know if I wanted to add the extension. It warned that it could change what info I put on websites. Is that something Webroot does? Do I add the extension?
Hi ahoernke


Welcome to the Community Forums.


Do you have any more information as to exactly what the extension offered should usually be able to get the name from the popup window offering the addition?


We need to know this as whilst WSA does add extensions (one for Antivirus & a couple for other versions) to browsers you should be able to discern easily tyhat they are from Webroot and therefore safe to add.


Well done for being suspicious and checking...just let us know what the extension is and we can hopefully advise back as to whether it is OK ort best avoided.


Regards, Baldrick
